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About Me

A little about Lil'ol Me.

I'm a part time SAHM: Stay At Home Mom, part time WAHM. I am proud to be a Farmer's Wife. He's my other half. I am proud to be "Mama" to my two beautiful children. Farmer, Jr., nine; and, Lil'Gal, eight going on 16.

I like everything in it's place. I am spontaneous, but only when I plan to be. I'm an avid list maker, everything has to be on a list. If it's not on the list, it doesn't happen. Checking things off the list offers a sense of accomplishment.

I love to clean my house. I love to cook. In my mind's eye I pretend I'm Martha Stewart and Mrs. Cleaver rolled in together. I have great friends. They let me live this little fantasy and often play along. Friends like that keep you sane.

I wouldn't say I'm a perfectionist because there are a lot of things that don't get done to perfection; more like an obsessive-ist. One who is taken over by certain little details causing an obsessive-complusion.

I heart iEverything. In other words, I'm all about Mac. My motto when it comes to technology is, Once you go Mac, you'll never go back. And, yes. I will try to convert you. :-)

Blogging has led me to my childhood passion -- writing. I write articles here and there, dabble in some creative writing, I read - A. LOT. And, enjoy writing book reviews and promoting up and coming authors I have come to know.

Most importantly, I am an optimist.

To me, every day is a new day, a chance to do it all better. A clean slate from the errors and oops' of the day before. Some days my glass runs over, some days I'm struggling to keep it where it is. But, when I count my blessings I find that my glass is ALWAYS at least half full.
