
Search me! :-) If you find it at Glass Half Full, it's all good!

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Where to find me

I love followers who are interested in all the same things I am.  Although, my Facebook page is a little more private.  Send me a message of who you are and how you found me if you are inquiring to follow me there.  That's where I keep up with all my bloggies and lots of great writers, etc.

Find me on Facebook at Glasshalffull Gal

I'll tweet anyone, so long as you aren't one of those porn peeps or giving away a 'free laptop' LOL!

Tweet me at Glass_Half_Full

I love to be read and love to hear what you think about my articles, creative writing, recipes and other publications.  So, be sure and find me at my Triond page!

Find me writing at Triond: Glass_Half_Full_Gal

Should you need to contact me for any other reason, ie: I won a giveaway at your place (YAY!), you are interested in having me review your book, I left something while visiting you at your blog, or you just want to tell me how "Super Cool" you think I am you can email me at:
