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Monday, December 1, 2014

BRAGGART ALERT: And then it got even better!


So today was my pre-op for my surgery next week. You know. The one I keep spamming Facebook, your text messages, your email in-box, and chat all to say, "GUESS WHAT NOW!"

Although, I do have to say and I'm hoping y'all have all realized, that I'm rarely whining about pain now because I am now on the downside hill of the wait. And I'm basically EXCITED about my hip replacement surgery now. I know right? EXCITED? Okay, well almost… I'm still a little leery and keeping my head somewhat focused on the 'after surgery' issues. And, as I said to Hubby this afternoon, "I'm still aware of the reality that 'after' surgery I will have severe pain. But it will be a healing pain… So, I'm okay with that. [Still not looking forward to the first time you wake from anesthesia and pain meds. But I'll suffer though with my sweet little button in my hand the first day that will deliver pain meds at my every need and want.]

Anyhoo, I had the typical lab work, an EKG, then a nasal swab and groin swab to be sure that I haven't been exposed to or am currently carrying any illness, infection, etc that might rear its ugly head between now and next week.

The staff was awesome. It is like a little family at this hospital facility. As previously mentioned, the physician groups in the building beside bought out the former birthing hospital and it has been modified into a fantastic surgical hospital.

My appointment went pretty fast. We left town at 8:15 and arrived early for my appointment. We were on our way out in about two and a half hours and were home by 7:30 this evening!

Anyhow, at my orientation and completing the final paperwork, etc., I was handed this little label with the following listed on it for my choosing:

Water Plain Yes, No                     Sparkling Yes, No
Chocolates Yes, No                      Mints Yes, No
Aroma therapy Yes, No (in the room! I selected just for my pillow since Hubby has allergies)
Audio therapy Yes, No (they can do that in a hospital suite?)

I was instructed that the aforementioned was at no addition expense to me or my insurance but it is just a service they like to provide to make their patients more comfortable. SAWEEEEET!

They don't have a hospital cafeteria. The have an on STAFF CHEF! So, I get to 'order' my meal preference from the 'cafe' and it will be delivered as specified to my room. For each meal.

So now all I have to do before surgery is:
- decide on prints and order photo invites for the Livestock show
- mail out 50 plus invites for LSS
- pick up Livestock show vouchers, and labels for entries
- CCD stuff
- all laundry in the house to at least get us through one week before I'm home and able to piddle around
- Finish the Christmas shopping
- Hair Appointment (to get me through the Holidays until I'm driving again)
- nail appointment (hey, I can't go four weeks looking puke during the holidays)
- decide with kids on recipes to work on during the holiday break for LSS since I'll be home bound
- weekend grocery shopping to fill our staples since I won't be able to drive for weeks*
- *[Hubby can do some grocery shopping; as Moms we all know we handle the staples in the house)
- Additional errands and extracurricular events handled before I am homebound
- Emails, phone calls, etc to get things lined out
- work out arrangements for getting our CA's (californian rabbits) in for the show
- more CCD stuff; auction and end of semester party; assign parts for the Christmas pageant since I will
  miss at least one Sunday class

I've got seven days max to get through all of this! But I know I can do it.

Oh, and as it is the first day of December and time to start counting down to Advent -

Happy Holidays!


1 comment:

The Queen said...

I have decided I will have an operation next week at this hospital.
