So today, as I peruse the new curriculum and work to put together an engaging lesson for my CCD middle schoolers, I find myself easily distracted.
Focus Farmer*swife.
Ooooh, this looks interesting. That part will totally lose their attention.
*squirrel* wait that was the dog
Okay, we need to look up that bible verse...
*it is quiet in here. maybe I should turn the TV on, but nothing interesting to distract me. Oh, I've seen this [Lifetime] movie before. this will work*
Sooo, how can I incorporate this? Wait, they can't answer those questions yet. Skip that page and address it at the end of the chapter.
*i think I need a snack*
FOCUS... Middle school is hard. How does the Priest keep our adult attention. I'm usually a fun teacher. I need to read ahead. I need... wait
*Lil'Gal* *what Lil'Gal? The animals? K. I'm working on my CCD lesson. Yes, you are in my class this year (MORE PRESSURE). Sure, you can see the student work book [please don't get ahead of me].*
*ew. there are crumbs on the floor. WHO left THOSE THERE? I better sweep.*
K. Focus. Ooooh, this is good. How can I make this more interesting to the students. Ummm. Hmmm. Look it up. Discuss it. Maybe we should go back and discuss that other part first. Yeah. Then read this passage then...
*I need to work on the lesson on how God provides before we have our fun field trip*
Criminy, distracted again.
FOCUS... *ramen noodles sound good about now*
FOCUUUUS... *I think pasta will help me pursue my agenda for this lesson. Hey, that reminds me. I need snacks for the classes tomorrow. I better check the pantry. Ooooh, look! I haven't seen THIS Lifetime movie before.*
Do all teachers of any subject/venue deal with this type of distraction?
Teaching little kids is easy! They just want to learn and be entertained. Big Kids ask BIG QUESTIONS. *squirrel*

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