Today was a family venture to town a/k/a the big city. New sneakers for Farmer, Jr. for high school athletics, a few tennis shirts for Lil'Gal and a trip to the PET STORE for some puppy stuff for Max.
Chew toys for those puppy teeth and to entertain the little fella' when we aren't home or able to and a self watering system so that he can have unlimited water without flipping his bowl and bathing himself and his kennel. Also a collar which is adorable and a harness for training (he is still too little for it but I explained to Lil'Gal along with a pet tech that as he gets a little bigger he will be more excited and harder to control while training him).
Then we found the cutest thing at the register. Little 'doggie tags' that you can have made via laser right there on site providing your pet's name on the front and personal contact information on the back! He is so adorably cute because even as small/extra small as everything is - he still need a few more weeks or a month or two to grow into it all.
Lil'Gal and her LONG awaited puppy; MAX |
Like Krezent, Max will be microchipped as soon as he is old enough; microchip your pets.
Super cute! Before we left this morning Lil'Gal had to let him out to potty (he is learning better with poo so far than pee, but he is getting it already) and water and fresh food, etc.
Hubby actually looked down at him and said, "He is going to be a good dog. I can tell." I replied, "So you like him?" Hubby, "Yeah, I do." WOW!!!
The Beast is still adjusting. I can tell he is a wee bit jealous since he had the kids and I all to himself most of the summer. All day, every day, out to roam and be pet and chew on bones under our chairs. He'd even sit and smile watching us swim.
He's sniffed Max over multiple times but when Max tries to come up and play (even as wobbly as he is) The Beast kinda' backs off - not impressed. Just wait till the puppy gets bigger BUBBA, then you are going to be in for some serious romping and puppy teeth.
I have to say Max came along at just the right timing. As with all of our dogs it has seemed. I'm going through some serious changes in life and having to deal with some personal issues. I have an appointment next week to start dealing with all of this. I'll probably share more when I feel less down on myself and more in charge of things.
I am still a Glass Half Full Gal. But, even at the happiest we can make poor choices that effect a lot of people around us. Not just ourselves. And, as I have been told, it is about time I MAKE TIME for MYSELF.
I am thankful to all my dear friends and to my family who are supporting me through this. And, I will continue to blog. I need it! I've missed it!
So look forward to not only my new journey in re-finding myself but all of the funny school stories and puppy stories and my crazy life in general.
Happy HOT Saturday and puppy kisses (from Max) :-)

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