There is no pressure and if you want to post late one month, just be sure to let us know here when you have your creative work up at your place. [No, I haven't found a free Linky thing yet.]
And, anyone can play. You don't have to be published or looking to be published. We all love to be creative and it is fun to write a little poetry, make up a funny story, put words into a heart felt tale, etc.
As I've said before, one could even participate by writing a tightly constructed sentence.
The only things you have to do to play along are:
Incorporate the five words (chosen randomly from the dictionary)
Have your piece work around the theme provided
The picture is totally optional
And, have fun!
It is that simple!
Now, on to this month's challenge:
spritzer: a drink consisting of white wine and soda water
eyedrops: liquid medicine for the eyes
trek: to travel slowly or laboriously; to go on foot; a journey; a migration
legitimize: to make or declare legitimate
deed: a thing done, act; a feet of courage, skill; a legal document which transfers property
Theme: Temperature
(I shouldn't comment, but isn't he adorable?)
There you have it! Let your mind ponder and write away! I'm going to make the deadline on this one for June 30th, 2011 (dontcha' think we'll all be busy that Friday prepping for 4th of July Celebrations?). The new CWCG #5 [YAY] will be posted Friday, July 1st for a deadline at the end of July. Sound good?
Well then let's get cracking! Or should I say, 'clicking' across those keyboards. ;-)

Yay! Hmmm . . . I'm not sure how I'll incorporate that image into my current storyline, but I'll do it! Fun!
This sounds like fun ... I'm in. (I think. :) Found you from Melissa's blog above.
Hooray, Melissa!! The more the merrier. :-D
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