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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Oh NO she DIDN'T [she'd be me?]


Just in from a whirlwind of a day BUT did get Farmer, Jr. his rosary for his first communion (Momma/Daddy gift), and got a few other errands ran including my Mom is back in her van, finally.  One transmission refurbish/fix later....

But, still.  IN all that I have done and in all the ego poofs my FB and Blog and IRL friends have been pumping my head and heart full of, I must confess.  A few things no one would believe FW did this week -- as in they would say in conversation, "You know what FW did this week?"

GASP "O, NO, she DITN'T?!"  "Oh, no she TOTALLY DID [not do]."

  1. FW let her range top sit with funk from a meal cooked three days ago; along with some salt and season shakes -- without cleaning it within 12 hours after the meal was cooked. [GASP]
  2. FW has not scrubbed a single toilet or bathroom sink in over...5...FIVE...or so, days.  [You can gasp again...]
  3. FW left the house two days in a row with the Master Bedroom bed....  UN-made.  [!?!]
  4. To FW redemption, she never even slept in the Master Bedroom Bed last night...she fell out on the family room couch and DID fold and put away her blankie this morning.
  5. DID let her children order from the school crap lunch menu once more than once this month.
  6. FW has not bisseled or steam mopped her floors in a very good, strong, 7 day week...  [This is not good, the base boards are taunting her with billows of dust...]
  7. FW has used, in full out term with no made-up words and several @ and $$'s -- multiple explicatives over the past seven days or so... [she will use them again if you correct her spelling of the word explicative/s].
There you have it.  Oh, I've done AS IN DONE muchos, muchos.  But in all the muchos?  My me gustas have been left to the side....  

On a more POSITIVE note.  FW DID rock the grocery store with the General Mills crescent roll vouchers and $20.00 free cash card she was issued to purchase the rest of the ingredients to feed her friends for FWEEEE tomorrow evening.

It will be fun!  It will be fab!  It will be tasty! And...there might be some slight snoring as FW props her head up with a wooden spoon and her eyes with toothpicks.  Though, I've heard caffeine infused liquor tends to keep the wits rowdy and the mind awake... 

>;-)  FW gonna' PAWTAY tomorrow evening.  But, only till 9:ish.  As she has to be back in full Super-Mom swing by 7:30 the next morning to sell everyone else's crap useless treasures to those kind enough to share their money with us for our school's final, end of the year, fundraiser.

OH NO SHE DIT"NT'....Oh Yeah.... She so totally did/is doing/will do/will get to it... ALL.


HAPPY almost _______ most favorite _____ of the _______!!!!   [Fill in the blanks; y'all all know'em so well!]



I should be getting dressed and painting myself decent enough to be seen in public -- but, here I am. I've been away for-evah this month. After doing so well last month. And, read a friend's blog? Who does that? [I do; but not the last 28 days or so.]

I'll be back to do that soon!

If I can just get through today/this week/next week/the Month of May, I'll be back on my game again, LOL!

Today is the school field trip. YAY! We get out of school early and I so totally need that.

CURRENT AGENDA: [Like that's the highlight of your day, reading what I am up to and trying to get accomplished. You know, that's a good idea. They should make that a reality game...  NOT about MEEE, but about Mom's racing against each other to get it all done, done well, and in less time! LOL!]

Anyhow, if I can get Lil'Gal's invites finished up today I can hand deliver most of them and get the house cleaned. Somewhere I need a grocery trip for the items still needed for the Pillsbury party I'm hosting tomorrow night for about 10 - 15 ladies.

7:30 Saturday morning I should be back over in B town at the school to help run the rummage sale until noon/3:pm, depending on how it all 'closes down'. Then home to iron Farmer, Jr.'s shirt for his first communion on Sunday. Oh, and I still have to haul my @$$ into town to get him a gift for that.

Next week is Teacher Appreciation week and I will be cooking up two meals for the teachers at this point; hopefully, a few of the other parents (besides WonderMom and myself) will be able to help out. I can think of one or two or three who I'm pretty sure will sign-up. That's a good thing. ;-)

Once next week is completed, I'll finally have a down week. Looking forward to it.

Then? Back to the grind with preps for Lil'Gal's 7th birthday party and then the grind down of all the end of school activities.

THEN? SUMMER!! YAY! Wait, I have to pack the day the kids get out of school... Will life ever slow down????

Anyhow, I will get back to blogging and blog hopping here sooooooon. Here are some possible future blog posts:

PWEW! What's that smell?
On NO she DIDN'T?
Metabolism doesn't play fair....

"WHAAAAAT?" [muffled hollering in the background...] "OH KAY ALREADY!"

Gotta run! Life is calling!


Sunday, April 25, 2010

SUNDAY... bloody Sunday... *sigh*

Another weekend come and gone. I didn't even hardly see it/live it/feel it. And, now today is Sunday. A beautiful, sunshine filled, beckoning Monday to come -- Sunday. Bloody He!!

I'm not ready for busy bloody Monday. Still a few hours left to which I should be house-wifing. BUT.... It's Sunday!? My simple few hours off; quiet; unbothered. Okay, my 20 minutes. Kids entertaining themselves for a short while -- ......

Happy Sunday!

Make this week a bloody he-double L of one. ;-)


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rockaby Wednesday! ;-)

First, Happy Wednesday!  Hump-Day is here, baby!  So, as always, put some diggity in it!

Second, I heard this song on the 80s XM station yesterday but have been living at the super pace of Edward [swoon].  Anyhow, I'm here waiting on a notary job to be emailed to me that should have already been here and/or be here at any second and I thought in the meantime I'd share this!

I'm totally thinking the next magical gadget I get/ask for will have to be some type of iPod.  There are so many songs that I wish somehow I could have available at my convenience without having to be near Macxine.

Oh, don't get me wrong.  Macxine and I are tied together at the palm.  But, sometimes she doesn't travel so well with some of the errands I must tend to.  And, also, she doesn't plug into my stereo in the Chariot.

FYI, the weather has been "rock[aby]ing" and will continue through the weekend!  This is my time!  My season!  I've bloomed!  I've metamorphosed! My colorful wings are open wide and I'm flying to the sky!

Anyhoodle!  ROCKABY your DAY Y'ALL!  ;-)  And, don't forget to smile; it releases mood enhancers!


Monday, April 19, 2010

PAUSE, Please.

Life overbooked, how does that happen from a Sunday afternoon to a Monday morning?  [I know, I know, if I'm so super busy then what am I doing wasting precious time typing up in here....  I'm venting, kay?] ;-)

This morning I got to school with the assignment to inventory the tickets sold for the school chicken bar-b-que this Friday along with counting money to be sure it all came in correctly.  Second to that was to figure out how much chicken/potatoes/beans/bread, etc, etc. we'd need to pull this thing off.

Thirdly, WonderMom and I sorted through the couple of hundred books we had received and/or brought in for the school's book swap schedule for a week from tomorrow.  We also discuss the rummage sale which reminds me that it is now dry enough for me to go to storage and pull out wonderful crap trinkets and items to donate to the rummage sale.

Geeze, I forgot how much stuff we hoarded over there.  Needless to say, my SUV is full of some money earners for the sale.  The sale is set for the Saturday a week after the rummage sale.  That way, in addition to the book swap party, we have the week to clean, sort, price, etc items for the rummage sale.

Then it comes to mind that I need to make some desserts for the side table bake sale we are having at the bar-b-que as an extra money earner too.  And, did I mention that the kids are going to run a lemonade stand and dessert bar themselves at the rummage sale?  They need to be involved, after all, since this is all for their school -- right?  This is WonderMom's thinking anyhow and I agree nixing my control freak, don't let the kids do it alone, attitude, LOL!

BUT, guess what else?  Almost everyone who plans to assist at the bar-b-que has expired Food Handler's licenses, including myself.  YIKES!  So, add that to the list.  Luckily, we can now do it online and save a trip and hopefully some time.  It had better not be a timed test where you have to wait through each section.  That's all I've got to say.

Meanwhile [like the country music song] we are working to get some flyers printed and put up about the rummage sale, as well as the LARGE sign about the bar-b-que since we are ordering and preparing enough stuff for 'at the door' plate sales as well.

So as of now, with most of the laundry done and sorted and put away and the dish washer running, this is my list for this week:

  1. Schedule notary job that came in via email a few moments ago (Mama's mad money)
  2. Food Handler renewal (online)
  3. Pick up bread, gloves, straws for the bar-b-que
  4. Make desserts for bake sale at bar-b-que
  5. Make potato salad for 400 plates (a concerted effort by several of on Thursday)
  6. Get flyers out for the rummage sale
  7. Collect outstanding tickets (and $$?)
  8. Make invitations for Lil'Gal's birthday party
  9. Make Farmer, Jr.'s "Mudge" costume for book swap party
  10. Find some time (daily, would be a dream) to work on my 'a story to tell' writing project
  11. Prepare for Teacher Appreciation week as it is coming up in two weeks
  12. Sign up volunteers for the barb-b-que/rummage sale/teacher appreciation week
  13. Get an extension from my writing course as there is apparently NO WAY I can in any way keep up with that too.  *sigh*

Then what is left is you know, the usual.  Make sure everyone in the house has clean socks and undies on when they leave the house each morning and be sure they all eat decently, homework is done, and extra curricular activities are attended.

Whala!  Not too much, huh?  Eh?  Yeah, I'd like that pause button back please. ;-)

Happy Monday!


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Some pics and some scoop

First off, lookie there!  See those rows all green and lined up and orderly?  You know what that means?  Money doesn't grow on trees but it does grow in a field.  Currently, it's a field of dimes I think.  But, as the crops grow, head out and put on a bunch of bowls, pop and are harvested -- I'm hoping this turns into some house and car payments. :-D

Here is a closer look at our babies.  We co-parent/family these little guys and dolls around here.  And, Mother Nature has been so generous with the water and rain.  The cotton and grain are just thriving!

'Know what this is a picture of?  The perfect footrest. :-)  It also serves as a foot massager when you rub your feet back and forth across it.  The texture and warmth are both really nice.  And, the footrest loves the attention.  It groans and growls if one tries to prop one's feet elsewhere.

I've written the Prologue for my 'story to tell' project.  I've started a first chapter.  Actually, I had a first chapter but going back over it I changed it all up and removed most of the dialogue as it was childish and I want the story to be for an older audience.  Mostly because I hear cursing in my mind...  The character, not me.

It's like I want to write it one way but she has something else to say.  Incredible.  Really, to just let my mind and fingers go like that.  I am in NO WAY ready at this time and place to post any hints and stuff like Lis does because..well, I feel inadequate.  But, I WILL share this tid-bit.  Chloe.  There, that's something.

I have to say I've really enjoyed it.  The writing, though I've only had about three days of it.  I  I must also say that I realized that Lis makes it look easy.  It's NOT easy. It's haaaard.  But, fun and challenging.

We have a dinner party to go to tonight.  I think it will be nice.  They are always wonderful hosts.

Me and WonderMom [I know, it should be WonderMom and I, but I'm breaking some grammatical rules.  Rebel I am and all, he he >;~D] hit the Goodwill store this morning and made out like bandits in the book department.  We are having a book swap at the school in a few weeks for the students.  Goodwill has tons of books at dirt cheap and today was 50% off Saturday on top of that!

Got the kids some WEBKINZ for a buck and a buck-fifty.  Got earings for the Lil'Gals and a pair for myself; along with some books for us to bring home.  I got "The Confident Writer", a Norton Handbook, for $1.00.  Yeppers!

Now that I've shared all this information with y'all I have to go hit the treadmill.  Why do they call it a treadmill anyhow?  I mean, it's really like a Treadtrack or a Treadbelt.  Am I right?

I have to make Farmer, Jr's costume for the book swap party.  The kids get to dress up like story book characters.  He wanted to be a Transformer but changed his mind [thank the Good Lord].  Then he wanted to be Flat Stanley, but Ninja Flat Stanley, not just regular'ol Flat Stanley.  I changed his mind [TTGL!]. ;-)

Now he is going as Mudge from the Henry and Mudge series.  Mudge is a Mastiff. :-D  THAT, I can do easily.

Next I have to craft Lil'Gal's birthday party invites.  That goes on next week's agenda though, as we are already half way through Saturday.

Life is good.  I am blessed.  We are happy.  Can't do better than that.  Happy Saturday!


Thursday, April 15, 2010

A story to tell...

Yesterday evening I had a brain storm.  It happened a week or so ago as well, only in a dream that I had awoken from and then began directing.  I should have gotten out of bed at that very moment and clicked down my random thoughts as it made a very good story.  But trusting my memory not to fail me, I finally rolled over and fell back asleep, losing that dream and idea more than likely forever.

This is not the first time this has happened.  So, yesterday evening when I had my 'brain storm' of an idea, I jotted down everything that was running through my mind.  It seemed like a really good idea and story line.  Once I had the just of it recorded I hopped on the LT and started typing away.  A little scene that was happening in my mind.

I was thinking to myself Is this it?  Is this how it happens?  Is this how someone pulls a story from their brain?  I paused, scrolled up and reread what I had written.  And, I  liked it.  But, then I had all these qualms and was full of intrepidation.  Should it be a child or an adult telling this story? Or, should the child grow up along with the story? What tense should it be coming from?  Should I try and outline where it is going or just simply keep the time line with where it started the middle and how it all comes together in the end?

I thought myself in circles and ended with, is this really something I am on to or am I just filling my mind and my ego full of cr@p?  I out thunk myself into full on intimidation. Not typically like ME, huh?

With that I went to bed and read on the Kindle until I fell asleep.  Though, it was hard to stay focused on any one story line so I clicked back and forth between three of the four books I currently have on there that haven't been read in entirety yet.

My thoughts crawled through my mind while I slept.  I had visions of thoughts [as some type of critter or being] crawling out of files from an open filing cabinet.  They'd cross paths as they'd re-file themselves into a file from a different drawer or a second filing cabinet.  I don't know what any of this means.  And, NO, I didn't take benadryl or otherwise medicate myself to sleep.

In fact, I've only been dreaming off and on for the past week or so.  Finally getting enough ZZZZZs in a long enough, uninterrupted time frame to make it to REM sleep, I guess.

Anyhow, this morning I woke and tended to my morning routine.  I was anxious to read over what I'd clicked out the night before but I withheld until I had time to really revisit my idea again.  I did like the concept of what I had down, but I didn't like they way I expressed it.  STILL?  It's a start.

So, this morning I've dedicated time to working on this 'story I have to tell' and to follow and see where it leads me.  My fingers are crossed.  Wouldn't it be so wonderful if I could finally hold a tiny little piece of creative writing in my mind/hands/computer?  So many people are telling their stories and putting them out there for others to read.  I don't expect to ever be a strong enough writer to pursue a career and support the family.  But, it would be nice to put a little work out their on the e-publishing scene with my name on it.

It'd be one of those things from childhood that I could finally check off my bucket list. ;-)


Monday, April 12, 2010


Lil'Gal has been all about the hoola-hoop lately since she's pretty much becoming a pro.  I often get out there and hoola with her and realize that it isn't as easy to keep going for an extended period of time as it was when I was her age.

I also realized that if I do this for ten minutes everyday, it will probably firm up some of the slag in my ring around the waist.  So, I'm penciling that in for the after the treadmill workout. :-)

Anyhow, check her out with TWO hoola-hoops at the same time!

She so totally ROCKS! ;-)  Happy 'it's been a really good' Monday!



Oh my britches, aren't I behind schedule with my posts this month.  Sometimes I feel that that commercial where we are all hamsters spinning in our wheels but never really getting anywhere.

Anyhow, before I jump full throttle into my grocery list and couponing I wanted to share another funny or two to start your week out with a laugh and a smile.  After all, laughter adds years back on to our lives that all the other cr@p erodes away.

AAAND, it also releases that happy chemical in the brain, thus brightening your mood.

I couldn't find the whole skit on this one; and this is not quite as funny as the one played on XM Radio this morning -- my Blue Collar Comedy fix.  But, it's still worth a watch.  After warming up with this one you HAVE/MUST watch the second one because this guy rocks!

This guy, Pablo Francisco does an A-W-E-SOME movie trailer bit! I love the Arnold Swarche(however you spell it) as "Tortilla Boy". ;-)

Yeah, you should so search YouTube for more of him.  He's hilarious!  And, the other skits are funnier but I was trying to offer curse free comedy.  You know, in case you are listening to this with those little super-sonic ear people around. ;-)


Saturday, April 10, 2010

PIPER! The video introduction!

So, here is Piper.  She was playing frisbee.  She loved all the running around.  So did Sweet D as that meant Piper would probably sleep very well through the night. :-D

The kids love Piper.  Piper now out weighs Dulce by about five pounds so I think they would probably play well together now.  And, Brandi?  Well, nothin bothers her so long as she's lying at/under your feet getting a pettin.  And, so long as you aren't a lawn mower, gator, tractor or other loud machinery long as you aren't a walking bacon treat (the cute teeny doggies).

But, yesterday evening we let Piper be the center of attention....  The video is quite cute (aside from my narratin')

Sweet D kept saying, "Where's the video camera?"  So I video'd x 3 but the other two had tooooo much conversation behind the scenes in them so I kept this one which was the best one anyhow.  AND, I told Sweet D, "My video cam = my vlog post" :-D

Yeah, I'm all stingy that way! LOL!  So that's the peep on the PIPER!


Thursday, April 8, 2010

VLOG: Rith Pottery Arrives!!

Finally, as promised on FB, here is the vlog of my great items from our favorite Mr. Rith out of Ithica, New York. The items made it here safe, sound and FAST TOO!!

Fashion Note: I don't know what I was thinking but obviously that bra and that shirt DO NOT go together....


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

RAIN.... It's a gooood, good thing. ;-)

There was a really cool video of this song with generations of farmers and shots of corn and cotton fields.  BUUU-ut, then embed issue that peeves me.  Luckily, someone was able to half hold their camera still and video this live.

Rain makes corn.  Corn makes Whiskey.  Whiskey makes our Honey/ies....feel a little frisky.

Gotta' LOVE IT!!!!  

Happy FW Monday on a Tuesday!

