So, it seems the is a milestone in bloggie world. Possibly, our trial period is over and we are employed (as volunteers at no pay) as a true member of bloggie world? Either way, all milestones deserve credit and recognition for the accomplishment.
Although, I will say I've been a little blah-read bloggie lately. My best stuff was in the beginning when I had my friends read me but had not yet been ventured into by the bloggsters. I'll get it funny bone, that is.
I've really enjoyed blogging. It's been a great outlet. I make the time "for me" to play around and talk to myself in here. And, to catch a good laugh and/or a something challenging to think about that has been shared by other bloggies.
My readership has doubled or more! Whoop! Thanks y'all! Comments really do make us feel "read" and "special."
I aim that the future 100 posts will be way more Bloggie! I mean, isn't that the whole point? To rant, rave, giggle, make fun of ourselves and appreciate our uniqueness?
Oh, have to mention that deadline day. Hope everyone is up to date. We signed our return yesterday and DH sent it off in the mail.
On to WWC!!!! I had lots of fun with this one!!!! Close up and Background:
This little gadget lets me see the background behind me while driving. It's very nice to know to move quickly out of the way when an 18 wheeler comes flyin' up my
Below is what is called a "conversation mirror." It allows you to see your passengers as you converse with them along your drive.
It is also good for keepin' an eye on rambunctious children. Let's see a close up of what is in the background in this mirror:
Oh, there they are. Don't they look so sweeeeet and peaceful?
This little guy is a cotton plant. Following are his buddies in the background. [They wanted to be included in the photo shoot.] Unfortunately, there seems to be a few cotton plants that didn't quite come up -- bad seed? Hmmm, the jury is still out on that one.
[FYI, I hope they all come up and "boll" out nicely as these guys are supposed to help make our house payment and fill our fridge.]
This guy below, has something hanging from his trailer hitch...let's take a closer look, shall we?
Yea, that's what it looks like. Apparently, this guy thinks he's making a fashion statement.
I think if you click I left the picture bigger. If not, y'all let me know and I'll re-upload it so you can see this in all it's nutty glory (LOL!)...some of you may find this is quite close enough.
So, that's my "WWC - Tax Day Reminder - 100th post" today!
Happy Blogging and Happy Tuesday!!

I have loved reading all your posts and I'm glad you are getting more traffic.
Great job with the WWC today. Very clever ideas. Seriously though... I hope that trailer hitch accessory doesn't start dragging. Ouch!
Happy 100th post. Great interpretation of the WWC, I hope your cotton all bolls out nicely. Um, that last photo, those things have finally made their way North to Canada and I got my first look at one the other day - what some ppl will do.
OMG, I've really created a little blog monster! Love ya though! Yeah, those truck nuts are just stupid. Really now, does the driver actually think those are attractive-- a set of saggy nuts. I really need to do the WWC. Actually tried 2 weeks ago but never got to upload my "smooth and rough" pictures.
Set of saggy nuts! LOL
Thanks krish'! Your too funny!
Do the WWC! You can even do it with last minute pics around the house (sometimes).
Happy 100th!!! And do tell, how did you get that cool scrolly text in your post? :)
Using mirrors for this challenge was ingenius. I felt I was stretching a little with the piggies. But who could resist?
Happy 100! And the mirrors, wow, very very cool idea.
That's got to be painful... leaving your balls hanging out the back of the car like that...
...oh - they're not real, are they? ;)
Great pictures! And Happy 100th!
(No worries on the taxes... May 1st is the deadline around here)
Oh, and confession, the wwc flower pictures I posted were from last year. The only thing I can do a close-up of right now is mud, dirt, more dirt, and dead grass. Sigh............the good thing is, no snow :-)
Happy 100th!
Great pics! The mirror idea was very clever. I wish I had thought of it. ;-) why didn't I think of that!?
As for the truck appendages, when I see those, I always wonder if the guy driving has issues. Is that like his version of implants? Just wonderin'...
Thank you for the link to the code page!! You rock.
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