I know I've been away a day or two. Really hard to be bloggie when your busy-busy. Mom's b-day was Tuesday and I'm makin' her a gift at her special request. And, tomorrow I'm makin' her a special cake that fits her dietary requirements yet is yum-yum-yummily good!
Plus? I'm working on a secret project of my own. Personal employment. Yep. Friends have been eggin' me on and encouraging me in so many ways. Bloggies have commented here or there. A few have unknowingly "lead" me to a new way....there will be more to come.
Nag me! Nag me greatly! Drive me nutty so I'll quickly finish the finals so I can make my "Biggie Announcement!" Deal? [shakin' bloggies on it] Deal!
So, giddy goodness. Seems all the above is giddy goodness...like, when you have fresh crisp [still warm from the dryer] sweetly cleanly scented sheets made up on your bed....just in time to enjoy their crisp feel and crisp scent for a magnifo-perbulous slumber-lific night of rest and dreams.
Kinda' like this.....hmmmm [sniff-sniff] mmmmm. [Still warm and snuggly too!]
Oh, MY? I DO look happily comfy and pleased....if I do say so myself! ;) Is it magic that brings about this fantab-tastic relaxing meloncholy joy and urge to launder and re-linen beds everywhere? Or is, it
Yea baby! I got the power. The power of GAIN! [no money or kick-backs are earned by my honestly sharing my love for this magnifiscent and reasonably priced product; Thanks Jay for the 411 on disclaimers]
These go even better? With "Blue Sparkle" Snuggle [fabric softner]. [same disclaimer applies as aforementioned.]
Oh yea -- sure I like GAIN fabric softner [Original scent; don't get distracted by the fancy...the original kicks all linen, soft, crisp, heavenly cleanly scent @$$.] But, Snuggle is more cost efficient and melds into a giddy with goodness scent-sation!
So, things to remember today.
1) Nag me to get the rest of my
2) You can have clean scented laundry at a fractional cost....just choose the right products and scent-sations to mix....Or, be smart and trust my scientific research.
3) There is somehow, someway, always something to be "giddy" about. Find it...and your day, your night, your dreams and your "manana" [nya thingie] will be....giddy.

That was a seriously happy post. Hell, it even made me happy!
I really can't wait for the bloggie biggie!!
Hurry up and tell us the exciting news! We need to know!!!!!! You look so beautiful and serene with your fresh from the dryer sheets.
love me some fresh sheets! and I'm going to make a concerted effort to be giddy at least once a day - thanks!!
now go get your sh-uh-stuff together so you can make your biggie-bloggie announcement
I'm giddy with anticipation
Yeah, i'm waiting here too to get in on the good stuff. Here's my guess:
(1) You have a break out book that's going to make you rich, (2) you've created some amazing chemical that will repel dirt from every surface or (3) you are the new spokeswoman for Old Ee Paso Hot Hot Jalipinos......
He He!! I am trying to wait, because i am always late with my post! But ummm I need the news!! LIKE RIGHT NOW!!!!!! LOL
Love Ya
Y'all are so fab! I feel so "wanted, read, ummmm, well...just good!"
Had a little b-day party for Mom today so didn't get to work on the "biggie project."
Tomorrow is breakfast (taqueria), church, CCD class [It's a pattern, as my kids say...gosh, we are anal aren't we?]
So, Monday? Is that the day I'll get the rest of it finished up enough to line it out and "jump in?"
Hopefully ;o)
Such a tease you are! I just realized you posed just like the girl on the gain box. Nice touch.
hey, there you are in person!
thanks for viiting, I think I need to bookmark this excellent blog ....
I can smell your sheets from here! Please let us in. We need to know!
Ok sis a little creeped out by the blanket and detergent thing. I think I know your project thing. Can't wait to see HIMYM tonight!!!!!!! Call me after. P.S. Yeah that one girl was psycho!
Love ya,
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