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Saturday, May 24, 2008
Housewife Poetry, by "Farmer*swife"
Laundry, laundry go away...
Can't you wash yourself today?
Fold yourself up tight and neat,
Undies, shorts, shirts and sheets.
Don't forget to bleach your whites!
Separate colors, darks and lights...
Oh, never mind...don't waste my time.
Only a Mama can get the laundry right.
"Ode to my Dust Buster"
Black and Decker, my dear Dust Buster.
You fill my heart with joy and luster!
Always charged and ready to meet the mess...
of all my tools you are the best.
But, don't tell my Bissell
cuz' it'll get fickle.
And, the broom is nice but can't work alone
Has to take the dust pan along wherever it goes.
But, you my friend and cleaning tool?
You should know I think you rule.
Cuz' should a crumb fall by the way?
Your right there to save the day!
"For the Love of a Dishwasher"
Oh Dishwasher, dishwasher, how fair are you?
Washing my dishes and sanitizing them too!
How did I go a decade without you?
Oh, you were worth the wait, my sweet Bosch.
And, I love you more with each dish that you wash.
You'll never go a day without Jet Dry...
Only Cascade with Hydroclean Action and Bleach....
I promise I'll never take you for granted,
and, I'll always keep your stainless door shiny and clean.
I just wanted to say "Thank you" for all that you do.
And, let you know just how much I love you!
Yea, this stuff pretty much runs through my head everyday. I have lots to bloggie about but don't want to use it up all in one post. I'll be back later....and from time to time? I'll share a new rhyme ;-D
Happy Saturday!

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LOL! Very entertaining poetry.
You should publish a book of poetry. You might even get to go on Larry King to pimp the book! ;-)
Thanks jay! Yea, that'd be nice....money for my published mind.
Hey? Maybe I could get a discount if I publish the cookbook I started last summer about how to cook anything on a gas grill!
Lots of great recipes....hmmmm, where did I put that anyhow?
OMG, you are the very best/funniest poet on earth! This reminds me a little of a doctor Seuss book
Richard said you are NUTS!!! LOL
krishna Hey Gal! Gotta' appreciate the little things/luxeries right? ;-)
I love my time-saving appliances, esp. the dishwasher and the clothes-washer & dryer!
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