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Monday, September 13, 2010

Creativity Schmiddity

I got nuthin'.  Really.  Maybe it's due to this allergy cold head thing going on within me.  It is making my brain quite foggy-groggy.

Anyhow, I came across this new venue to publish articles and other creative writing at and I am excited to have signed up.  But, when I clicked the little tab that said, "Submit" (where you can develop and key out your project) I found that there was nothing interesting or witty in this brain of mine.

My fingers were itching to type up some diddy of a thing, if even a poem, just for the sake of getting my feet back in the water.  But, again, I got nuthin'.

So, I clicked over to DS looking for something to claim so that I could validate the past half morning hour or so spent on the LT.  I DIIIID find one article to claim that was, ahem, dealing with personal hygiene.  I found it so laughable that I shot off a little email to LIS and when I clicked back to the DS tab -- someone else had already claimed it.  >:-{  [That's never happened to me before...]

I ended up claiming one about eggs and olive oil for the hair, and closed out feeling blah about the whole thing.  Poo.

So, still feeling the need to put fingers to keys thus creating words on a screen -- I popped in over here to share my whole lotta' nuthin' with anyone of y'all who cares is bored enough to read this.

With that, I'm off to fold some laundry while watching my favo soap (B & B); the only one I really watch.  Then, I'll hit the treadmill with a good book.  And, ponder in my subconscious what creative thoughts I can muster to put into something to publish. ;-)

Happy Monday!



Delaney said...

We all have days like that, me more than others. Hope the rest of the day goes better for you.

Anonymous said...

I've had plenty of days like that.
