This past summer, I was allowed the opportunity to read an adult romance novel (no, there were no hot and steamy scenes; it wasn't about that kind of romance) that was written by a wife about the real life journey her husband and she went on to bring themselves back to each other.
The couple, Susan (the author) and Tim Pohlman, were on a business trip together in Italy. As soon as they completed this trip together -- which was strictly business and only business and nothing but business -- Susan was resolved to file for divorce. The spark gone. The love, lusterless. The husband, no longer a friend but more of an annoyance.... Sad.
While on this trip, they unexpectedly shared a moment of love for the atmosphere Italy perfumed around them. And, for that split second, they wondered -- did they, maybe, still love each other?
They made a decision together to jump out on a limb and out of the comfort of their routine full of work, children, soccer Mom and Professional. To jump out of the lead role of the High Powered Executive and bread winner, father, and spouse. They made a decision to make an effort and see if somewhere deep inside they were still a couple -- and not two people living separate lives, though fawning to live those lives jointly.
No simple task, as the trust was awry. How do you give up everything in an effort to rebuild a relationship with a person you no longer consider on your team? And, a person who you no longer even consider your friend?
Haven't we all fallen into this rut some way? We get so caught up in the bake sale, booster club, PTA, the golf league, laundry, the yard, and the outer appearance of "the perfect couple who have perfect kids and a perfect relationship" that we might not even be aware that we aren't really connected anymore.
This is what Susan and Tim were going through. They were so busy playing the 'roles' they were no longer living. That isn't life, that's a facade of life.
Italy changed that. On a whim, a dare? A challenge? They drop everything. Sell the house. And, move the family (daughter and son who think their parents are 'out of their mind' crazy) to Italy for a year.
No job. No technology. And, a HUGE language barrier.
I took this book with me while on our trip to Georgia. When I finally cracked it open, holding to myself that the long drive would be the best chance of dedicated reading time I'd get, I found that I couldn't put it down.
Sometimes real life is better than fiction, as the saying goes. This is true of this book. Following their journey as a couple rebuilding, working together, and as a family -- reconnecting with their children who had also fallen into 'playing their roles' rather than actually participating as members of this family -- was a journey I really enjoyed.
I'd like to think of myself as Happily Married, and I am. But, I will say that I still learned some lessons about relationships, about love, and about how to hang on to it and re-invest yourself. This book reminded me of WHY. Why I am married. Why I have children. Why all of that is important. AND, to enjoy, revel and love every minute of it.
Eye opening. I myself, am often so busy being Super-Mom, 1st place Housekeeper, Teacher's favorite Mom, and the wife 'any man would want' that I miss the little stuff. Like what it is my husband really wants in me as a wife. When it comes down to it, I don't think PTA President, expert towel folder, and 'the Gal to go to' is at the top of his needs from his wife.
If I'm working so hard on a project to benefit my children and their classmates, then why am I yelling at them for 'being in the way' or 'being a distraction'? Doesn't make much sense, does it.
Halfway to Each Other is a wonderful read, just for the sake of a good 'chick-flick' kinda' read. But, it's a little more than that too. Whether your marriage is stumbling emotionally or flying high to the heavens -- this is a book you will definitely enjoy reading. And, ya' might even learn a little something about yourself along the way.
Guess what? As with all great things, I'm hosting a GIVEAWAY! My copy is stamped, "Uncorrected PROOF Not For Sale" but, the PR rep said I can offer a copy to giveaway to one lucky person! I get to keep my copy to pass around to my friends and give one away TOO!
How to Win: [You must leave a comment for each of these in order for me to be able to count it]
- 1 entry) Comment what you think of this review
- 1 entry) Comment if you think this is a book for you/a friend/ a family member
- 2 entries) Grab my badge; or remind me that you already have it
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- 3 entries) Follow me
- 5 entries) Email a link to this review/giveaway to 5 of your friends (bcc me @ You may do this more than once, just be sure they are 5 different friends in each email)
- 5 entries) Blog about this review/giveaway at your place and include a backlink ;-) [must leave me a comment with link to the post]
Additional daily entries:
- 1 entry) Follow me on twitter
- 1 entry per tweet) Tweet this review/giveaway. You may do this 5 times a day but I must have a comment for each tweet in order to count it.
[Editor's Note: This giveaway closes on October 18th, 2009 at midnight, CST.]

you said it, a person cannot take their relationships for granted, and you need to ask yourself 'can I be better at this?' from time to time....
(speaking of other topics, is it time for another hilarious vlog???)
#1. I love the review and will pry find the book so I can read it..
#2. I'm going to facebook your link because I know a lot of people on my facebook that would like this book
#3. I'm going to tweet this...
#4. I left a comment..
#5. I'm going to grab your badge and put it on my grandma site..(ellie's site)
#6 I follow you..
#7. I'll email a couple of my friends with this link.. BECAUSE THE NEED THIS BOOK... no one can do it all.. and be good at it all.. so be good at the important things before they are gone..
I love you..
DO I GET A BONUS FOR THAT ONE.. I really really want this book...
wow! nice blog.
would visit again for more
What a pleasure to wake up on this beautiful Sunday morning to find your review! Thank you for reading Halfway to Each Other and taking the time to post your kind words.
Ciao and Grazie!
1. FW, another great review by you! 2. This sounds like a book I would like to read.
3. I already have you in my feed reader and
4. I follow you here
5. and on twitter (do I get points for those? Or is that just something for new readers?)
And I just tweeted! ;)
KC, Yes! It counts for entries, even if you are already a follower :-) Thanks for entering. This is a great read!
2.going to facebook the link right now..
3. gonna tweet it - will be back with the link :)
4. gonna email it to people :)
5. I already subscribe to you :)
6. I already follow you cause I just LOVEEE you :)
7. gonna blog about it in a minute :) or after i finish dinner...or after i finish this wine :)
By the way = I just got Beth Moore's new bible study Esther - Its tough being a woman - Have you ever done a Beth Moore Bible Study?
OH and I think my sister in law Candis or my sister in law Diana would LOVE this book! Does that count for two entries?
tweet one - complete :)
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