You just couldn't ask for a more spectac-terrific day! Okay, well you could ask. But, it would be moot.
Baby'Bro, the Teenager, came out to spend the night and hang out with us today. I about gasped because he is so dang handsome! Every time I see him, he just gets more adorable. I can't get over what a gentleman he is -- at 14 (15 in January).
To the teen Gals I have to say, not only is he a hunk in a package? But, he's kind and considerate too! Whoo! AAAaaaand, he can play the guitar. Yep. And, he and a couple of friends are putting together a little band.
BTW, I have three fabo brothers. I'm one lucky sister.
My pendulum tends to swing long on the high end and short on the lows. I know yesterday I was all P!$$ and Moan, but today? I'm wearing bells! And, yesterday is a faint memory like faded pages of a book lost in the attic for a generation... I can hardly believe I was such a crank.
Anyhow, we got the dogs out mid morning and played with them while listening to the Teenager play a variety of tunes; those he's written himself and a collaboration of Beetles and Jonas Brothers. He can also play, ummm, what are they called....Daughtry? Something like that.
Then we loaded up for a few errands and to pick up a new board game or two and some MEAT! Too pretty outside NOT to grill. I'm doing beef ribs tonight. YUM! I love to grill.
A few rounds of UNO and I'm hoping for a round of frisbee. But seein' as the kids are setting up Monopoly, I guess first, I'll be making a few rounds past GO.
So far, this has been a SUPER Saturday! I hope same goes for you. ;-)

Glad to hear you had a wonderful day ... Never got to sleep Friday night (6 a.m. to bed) but did manage a nice dinner tonight and a good shop at Rite Aid.
Glad you had a great Saturday. I have been fighting a sinus infection so haven't been doing much this weekend but relaxing!
yay for good days and great music. Im all over the place with my days/moods too!
Busy, busy, busy! But it's all good... just tiring.
Don't forget to play along tomorrow and post your pictures from your windows/doorway!
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