Search me! :-) If you find it at Glass Half Full, it's all good!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Juicy Juice!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
This Week's NEW Double-it-up GiveAway!
- 2 entries) Simply Comment to this post
- 2 entries) Visit my book review at Dudley's Solo and comment there :-) Self promulgation -- you like how I work? Actually, it's for some GT stats as well as my own personal Ego Poof! :-D
- 5 entries) Root & Sprout a/k/a/ R&S goes daily on May 1st. You receive one entry each day for commenting on that day's article publication. :-D Thanks for yall's support!
- 10 entries) Visit R&S -- THIS Friday, May 1st. Comment to the very first DAILY PUBLICATION (um, it's my article) and you get 10 entries!
This Week's NEW Double-it-up GiveAway!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Barbie Winner!!!!
Barbie Winner!!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Sir Steamy with a side of Hawt...
Sir Steamy with a side of Hawt...
Friday, April 24, 2009
Friday's word of the day is FANCY!
Friday's word of the day is FANCY!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
New Recipe: Chicken "&" Spaghetti
New Recipe: Chicken "&" Spaghetti
Skinny Cows make skinny milk = Skinny Ice Cream
- 1 entry) Comment about your favorite ice cream
- 2 entries) Put my badge on your blog! If you already have it, let me know and you still get credit.
- 2 entries) Send a friend to play! Let them know to tell me you referred them. ;-)
- 5 entries) Visit Root & Sprout and tell me what your favorite article is and/or comment to an article (let me know ya' did!)
- 5 entries) Join Grow Together, the networking social site for Root & Sprout -- where parents and kids grow together.
Skinny Cows make skinny milk = Skinny Ice Cream
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
31 Days to BBB; The Be Happy Way!
- Find a mirror. Look at yourself in it and say to yourself, "You ROCK!" (Just go with me on this, kay?)
- Compliment someone today -- it'll make them smile and I bet you'll smile too. It feels good. If they say something negative to the compliment be sure to remind them to "take a compliment."
- Dress for Success -- this is true. If you are a stay at home Mom or you are a member of the collective masses who work at home, dress for the day. If you are frumpy and disheveled you will feel less motivated. Ladies, if you don't typically where make-up slap a little mascara or lip gloss on. Just because. ;-)
- Walk by someone in the office and make a super silly face. Sounds idiotic, true. But, everyone will get a laugh or a smile or maybe a funny look but still.
- If you find something humorous, even slightly, try to laugh out loud about it. It's good for your body, circulation, and releases some happy chemicals in your brain.
- Indulge yourself -- every once in awhile we have to give ourselves a little treat. So, if you've been dieting? Give yourself a little something delectable. If you've been super saving -- splurge on a little something, make-up, aftershave, new socks. It doesn't have to be big it just has to be something.
- Do a Happy Dance! How come as children it was so fun to dance silly but as adults we find it childish and don't do it anymore. Ya' gotta' let go of the serious side now and then.
- Revel in the little things (that aren't always so little). Bills? Anger? Economy? Can you see to read this post? Sight is something we tend to take for granted; be thankful for it. The ability to be mobile, the ability to speak words, the ability to hear, the ability think....you get the idea.
- Zoom Out -- life is overwhelming today with work, chores, bills, events, deadlines, so zoom out from today. Picture next week and where you will be and the issues of day will be seven days behind you. I taught myself this in high school about three weeks before I graduated. With finals, and research papers and every thing that overwhelmed me I finally thought to myself "In three weeks this will all be over somehow and these things will all have been done and tended to somehow and I'll graduate."
- Be thankful, Truly.
31 Days to BBB; The Be Happy Way!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Farmer's Wife Report: Vloggie Style!
Farmer's Wife Report: Vloggie Style!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
So what do YOU think?
So what do YOU think?
Friday, April 17, 2009
Farmer*s Wife Poetry
Farmer*s Wife Poetry
Fiber One Gift Set WINNER!
Fiber One Gift Set WINNER!
It's ME! Barbie!!
It's ME! Barbie!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Free on Me! Who Won? I'll tell ya!
Free on Me! Who Won? I'll tell ya!
Psst! Check it out!
Psst! Check it out!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Extra-Extra! Blog Awards! Come and Get Um!!
Extra-Extra! Blog Awards! Come and Get Um!!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Friday, April 10, 2009
More for FREE!!!
The generous people at Seventh Generation have offered to give one of my lucky readers an under-sink makeover, with a ton of great products. The gift basket will include:
Glass Cleaner - Grapefruit
All-Purpose Cleaner - Green Mandarin
Toilet Bowl Cleaner - Emerald
Shower Cleaner - Green Mandarin
Tub & Tile Cleaner
Kitchen Cleaner
Natural Paper Towels - 120 Count
Reusable Tote
Good luck and Happy Good Friday!!!
More for FREE!!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Vlog-Diddly, I got it UP!!! Free Stuff to Boot!
Vlog-Diddly, I got it UP!!! Free Stuff to Boot!
More FOR FREE! FW's Giving it Away!
More FOR FREE! FW's Giving it Away!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
New GiveAway! It's Cascade!
New GiveAway! It's Cascade!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Don't Bring Me Down....
Don't Bring Me Down....
Monday, April 6, 2009
Did I hear FREE?????
Did I hear FREE?????
Easy Crescent Danish Rolls
Easy Crescent Danish Rolls
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Phone Stalkers and Streaks ;-)
Phone Stalkers and Streaks ;-)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Free POT! For Real!!!!! Oh, MY!
Free POT! For Real!!!!! Oh, MY!
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