I feel so behind. And, a little out of touch. I have several product/books to review and post. I'm trying to get on with a new family magazine venue. I signed up with another venue (thanks to Lis for the heads up) and I even claimed an article. BU-ut, I threw it back. It's due tomorrow and with school and extra-curricular activities twice a week -- I just couldn't see myself getting it out by tomorrow.
*sigh* I already did most of the research. Okay, maybe I was a little intimidated that I only had about 250 words for the "How To" and the article was required to be 400-500. A person can only squat-doodle so many filler words and I just didn't have it in me today. Not a motivated day for writing.
I do have some mobile notary work though; that'll make up for some $ this week. :-D
I have several sewing projects to finish. Wonder-Mom even commented, "You haven't done that yet?" And, then offered to complete one for me which made me realize that I just need to get on it and "Just, Do IT!"
I hit this motto yesterday and today with my new work-out regimen. I mean, complaining about the continually growing ring-around-the-waistline hasn't made it go away. I tried to "Shout IT Out" and I tried "Spray and Wash" and I tried "Mr. Clean Magic Erasers." They are great products, but they just don't seem to work on ring-around-the-waistline... Poo.
So, I'm doing it the old fashioned way. EXERCISE. Currently, I am requiring 2 miles a day on the treadmill at a good trot. And, 10 minutes of hard core abs. Wonder-Mom lent me a great little DVD and it has a great dance ab workout that isn't hard on my back. I've been having a lot of lower back pain lately. (Another reason I need to rid the spare tire and rebuild my core).
Just Do IT! I tell myself. Like the Nike motto. Hmm, maybe a pair of new Nikes would help? ;-D I know, I know....it's not the shoe. It's what you do in the shoe....
So, I'll be back with all the projects I get finished as I finish them. I've already completed a couple but I'll wait to add them in a photo shoot once I've finished up the sewing projects.
As for now? I'm motivating myself. I'm going to be like Nike. I'm going to "Just Do IT!"
Got something you need to do? Join me. "Just Do IT!"
Happy second day of the work-week! ;-)
a lot of lower back pain, how horrible!
I could say 'take 2 shiner bocks and a bath' but that may only be temporary....
I know what you mean. I'd like to pursue a couple writing options, but I just can't find the time right now. I've done a couple guest posts and that's about all I can handle, but they don't pay.
I feel like I could have written this post except for the exercise. I need to but have not been able to motivate myself to find the time to fit it into my schedule. If I really wanted to, I would, but I don't really want to. I did finish some bibs I had to make for hubby's co-worker this weekend so Yay! One sewing project finished. 554 to go. (ok, I exaggerated a little.)
My motivation to order that darn replacement safety key for the treadmill came after I stepped into a dressing room to try on a pair of jeans and saw how I looked in that lighting. UGH. I can't wait until it arrives in the mail. Once the kids are back in school and I have an hour of free time each morning, I'll be running, running, running!
When it comes to exercising I just can't seem to "do it" no matter what. I hate exercising which I find extremely boring. The only way I managed to stay focused and go to the gym was to go with a friend and do dance aerobics which was fun and I had someone else to be in pain with. Good luck on sticking to it.
I STILL say you look fantastic. Most of us women do. Even the men,OUR men, think so. We just don't want to believe it. I know it has alot to do with how our clothes fit. Well, we all just need to get some NEW, wonderful clothes!!!(Yah right) Let our men adore us and start adoring and appreciating ourselves!
That all coming from a women who does Pilates every other day.
I do think exercise is good for us in many ways, I just think we all need to relax a little.
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