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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Does writing, make you a Writer??
Now, I caught the tail end of the visit/interview but the novelist seemed quite educated and yet, very humbled in his publications.... Then Craig brought up the discussion that everyone (including himself, at which he punned a joke) has written a book now-a-days. And, it's true.
As an example, Craig mentioned Paris Hilton. And, he's write. I mean right. Paris? No offense, but she is not the book writing type. I'm not saying she hasn't been educated enough (though, I find her too dull to research or care) but that... a book? About, what... um, say her? Her life? Her hardships? I don't know....
But, the thought does get my mind flowing and I picture her walking around a room, her room, dressed as she does and somewhat distracted by her hair, her dog, her...stuff, as she is rambling on stories of her childhood and the life as she has known it (while rolling in millions, and sleeping on a couple of gold bars of cluelessness above the rest of us living in reality) as some shadow writer is frantically capturing every syllable on her laptop -- hoping for this to be his/her big break into the written word of bi-graphing the lives of people -- so long as Hilton doesn't turn out a tantrum along the way.
[I'm not biased against Hilton...I've seen her interview and she seems like a nice Gal. But, then, I've seen other stuff too and she's just never been one on my list of talents.]
I've been published. Throughout life, I've been published. I've been encouraged by teachers that this is a true art for me. I lost my way in finding a profitable career; not always what you invision yourself doing but what makes you the big bucks. I've written for various publications on a voluntary basis, as newsletter chairman or committee chair, and to share youth leadership excursions within Statewide districts. I've even been published for sharing my story of a predawn hunt that granted me the drop-tine I'm so proud of that is now mounted and hangs in the eves of my Living room.
But, just because I'm published -- does that make me a writer? I think so, if that is what I have decided to be. To work for, to earn for, and to seek recognition for. Maybe not a novelist in any way shape or form; but at least some form of a true acclaimed writer.
But, when I know people and have read them from the rough draft that truly have talent, I find I have to agree with Craig Ferguson that it seems everyone is a writer now days -- even if they didn't actually write the book themselves. And, that's not fair.
Just because you have the money to self-publish does that put you in the same game as those who have worked the years it takes to have their book put out there? So that people can finally devour the wonderment a writing artist shares?
I do know several people who have written wonderful books and self-published them. And, a few have been picked up by local book markets. Just the same, I know some who have written a book and somehow had it published and printed. In support, I purchased it but when I read it, I found myself wondering again....
Can just anyone be a writer? I know, we all are writers out here and share so much of ourselves. But, the published kind that you can pick up and feel and flip through IRL pages...
And, it is this concept that confuses and perplexes me. I have shadow read two books. The first wonderful and such a fun read. The second? Quite the talent and intrigue...with tempation of sequels to come. It's a book that I want to follow into a new cover and beyond.
What do you think? What is your opinion? How do you feel about the influx of books from everyone to practically cartoon characters these days? Do you think the celebrity-ism of it over shadows in some ways those aching to be told and read stories by the talent of so many people that might just be standing next to you at the convenience store?
What do you consider talent? I really want to reflect on this concept. Share all your thoughts with me here. And, thank you for your time, opinions and incites.
Happy, it's almost Thursday already!
[Pssst, and regardless of what you think of any of this. If you like to write? Write it.] :-)
Saturday, October 24, 2009
My Brother In Concert! Jammin!!! (Video)
This is "The Teenager" who is all of 14 (he'll be 15 in January) and he's jammin' on his acoustic guitar to the Beatles! Whoo-hooo! What a little (okay, pretty big) old soul. :-D
He's self taught by the way. And, he and a couple of good friends are getting together for -- wait for it -- JAM SESSIONS! Babiest Bro is in a Band! Oh, ladies????? LOL!
Anyhow, check it out. And, if you love him? You can share him. Only if you are a good friend with a family friendly blog, though. [Make him famous! Get him on the morning Talk Shows!] :-D
I know.... ME? Super proud! (And, the acoustics outside where bad with slight wind, etc. But, I wanted good lighting.)
My Brother In Concert! Jammin!!! (Video)
Super Saturday!! I bounce back!
You just couldn't ask for a more spectac-terrific day! Okay, well you could ask. But, it would be moot.
Baby'Bro, the Teenager, came out to spend the night and hang out with us today. I about gasped because he is so dang handsome! Every time I see him, he just gets more adorable. I can't get over what a gentleman he is -- at 14 (15 in January).
To the teen Gals I have to say, not only is he a hunk in a package? But, he's kind and considerate too! Whoo! AAAaaaand, he can play the guitar. Yep. And, he and a couple of friends are putting together a little band.
BTW, I have three fabo brothers. I'm one lucky sister.
My pendulum tends to swing long on the high end and short on the lows. I know yesterday I was all P!$$ and Moan, but today? I'm wearing bells! And, yesterday is a faint memory like faded pages of a book lost in the attic for a generation... I can hardly believe I was such a crank.
Anyhow, we got the dogs out mid morning and played with them while listening to the Teenager play a variety of tunes; those he's written himself and a collaboration of Beetles and Jonas Brothers. He can also play, ummm, what are they called....Daughtry? Something like that.
Then we loaded up for a few errands and to pick up a new board game or two and some MEAT! Too pretty outside NOT to grill. I'm doing beef ribs tonight. YUM! I love to grill.
A few rounds of UNO and I'm hoping for a round of frisbee. But seein' as the kids are setting up Monopoly, I guess first, I'll be making a few rounds past GO.
So far, this has been a SUPER Saturday! I hope same goes for you. ;-)
Super Saturday!! I bounce back!
Friday, October 23, 2009
P!$$ on everything.....
I feel like someone p!$$ed on my parade. I have lots of things on my "To Do" list today. I was actually looking forward to today -- afterall, it's FWFD of the week, right? Well, plblt.
I did make-up my face, kinda. It was time to take the kids to school and my hair is a big, flat, mess. I ran a curling iron through it and then put it down and blew it off -- Screw it. Screw the hair.
I realized when I got home and unloaded the SUV that I forgot to review my children's memory verses with them on the way to school. And, I thought to myself, "Screw it. It's Friday."
One of the biggest things on my "To Do" list today was to race against a million people on the internet, hoping my page would load before theirs with great tickets to see Taylor Swift. It's been on my list for weeks, since I heard she was coming.
Every time I listened to one of her songs this fantasy would play out in my mind where me and Lil'Gal were sitting there at the concert, singing our hearts out. Then, because she's so adorable and knows the words so well, we get invited back stage and my Lil'Gal gets to shake hands with Taylor.
You know that fantasy. We all have one like that for ourselves and/or our children.
Well, I woke up this morning and heard those infamous words in my head, "Screw it." So I did. We aren't going. What was I thinking? Where were my priorities? My brother is out of a job, I have friends who can't afford insurance, I live in a castle and here I was going to throw all that $$ out into cyberspace to spend 2 hours sitting in an uncomfortable chair listening to millions of (germ infested and some of them ill, I'm sure) screaming people I don't know.
Screw it. Me and Lil'Gal can have our own music video here at the house. We can watch a Taylor Swift video up close on our big flat screen T.V. Besides, she'd already asked me, "We just sit there? All we do is listen?"
My range top is dirty. I hate that. Screw it. (Okay, don't screw that. I'll clean it.) We have a birthday party to go to immediately after school today for the kids. A bowling party which should be lots of fun for them. All I really want right now is for it to be over so I can be home on my back porch with my kids and my dogs and the beautiful day outside.
And, my pants are too tight. Favorite jeans from last year are making their impression around my waist. I walked into my son's room to put something away and his bed was left unmade. Hmpft.
I crawled into it.
My kitchen is a mess, my floors need a mop, I have to wrap a birthday present and cut out a bunch of crap for the kids' school fall party next week. The one thing I WILL be sure to do is sew the denim I washed and ironed yesterday -- it's going to be a table cloth.
I was watching the Today Show this morning (full of my mood and lack of wanting to do anything) and Tim McGraw was singing. I love to hear him sing. But, I was looking into his eyes and I got the impression that -- though he was singing a song with feeling and putting himself into it to perform it well -- there was something else going on in the back of his mind.
Maybe he had a fight with his wife. Maybe someone close to him is ill. It seemed something was bothering him, and yet the audience was clueless. They were all lit up with smiles and happy, singing voices -- clueless to what was going on in his life.
But that's life isn't it. The Show must go on. Regardless if you are a country music star or a stay at home Mom, juggling many hats. You have to put on that happy face when all you really want to do is say, "P!$$ on it."
Enough griping. Time to put on my Big Cowgirl Boots and deal with it. And....maybe take a Midol.
Happy FWFD of the week!
P!$$ on everything.....
Thursday, October 22, 2009
WHO WON? " Half Way to Each Other..."
Anyhow, thank you to those who enjoy books and reading for entering. And, thanks to everyone who commented on this. :-)
Now, for the drawing. I'm going to do this one real quick with my handy-dandy Ziplock top shaker and no video -- it takes too much time to upload and I'm already so late on this.
So, the winner of the copy of "Half Way to Each Other" is......(drum-roll).......
[drawing by Lil'Gal] THE QUEEN!!
YAY! I believe I have your current address on file so I will email the PR rep and let her know to ship out your copy!
Thanks so much for playing along y'all! More to come :-)
WHO WON? " Half Way to Each Other..."
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Share My Towel? No thank you...
Share My Towel? No thank you...
Sunday Thoughts (from Saturday)
Sunday Thoughts (from Saturday)
Friday, October 16, 2009
Bit & Pieces Pet Pics & Brandy ;-)
Bit & Pieces Pet Pics & Brandy ;-)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Dear Rat B@$tard Criminals....
Saturday, October 10, 2009
The GREAT FW Tricycle race.... FW Rocked it!
The GREAT FW Tricycle race.... FW Rocked it!
Tricycle Races :-D
Tricycle Races :-D
Friday, October 9, 2009
WIN Renova Anti-Fatigue SHOES!! (By Timberland Pro)
- 1 entry) comment with a story about why you deserve a new shoe and what style in the Renova series fits you (or, if entering to win for someone else, then why they deserve a new pair of shoes)
- 1 entry) visit Timberland Pro - Women's Renova and come back and tell me what shoe style and size you would like if you win this giveaway.
- 1 entry) grab my button/badge and display it on your blog (comment with a link; if you already have it up, it counts for one entry)
- 1 entry) Tweet this review and giveaway (you may do this up to five times daily; you MUST comment back here to this post with the tweet link for each tweet)
- 1 entry) Post this on your Facebook wall (you may do this once daily; you MUST comment back here to this post with the tweet link)
- 1 entry) Subscribe to my blog
- 3 entries) Follow me publicly
- 5 entries) BLOG about this review and giveaway at your blog and comment back here with a link
WIN Renova Anti-Fatigue SHOES!! (By Timberland Pro)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Get your motor revved, Ooooh YEAH... (Music baby)
Get your motor revved, Ooooh YEAH... (Music baby)
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
No more Lazy Pill....Putting it all out there.
No more Lazy Pill....Putting it all out there.
Beer Season? No license required....
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Dear Chatty Gymnastic Moms...
Dear Chatty Gymnastic Moms...
Bouncin' in Bubble-Gum Pink!
Monday, October 5, 2009
The 1, 2, 3s of Food Allergies (and a giveaway)
1, 2, 3s of Food Allergies
In recent years, food allergies have become a growing public health concern. Over the past 20 years the number of diagnosed cases of allergies, asthma, and autism rose in staggering proportions:
400% increase in food allergies
300% increase in asthma
400% increase in ADHD
Food allergies currently affect approximately 3 million children. Experts partially contribute this due to an increase in parent awareness as parents are quicker to have their children tested.
In the old days, children might be sensitive to one or two foods. Nowadays a child may be allergic to and/or have sensitivities to 6 or more foods.
One theory about this rise in food allergies is thought to be due to food processing techniques. Another theory blames the germ-a-phobe generation, stating children are so protected that their immune systems are unable to properly develop and are suppressed.
A third possibility is the fact that food -- especially more exotic and foreign foods -- are more readily available and in increased variety. The more foods a person is exposed to, the greater the chance of increased allergies.
Still, most wouldn’t consider peanuts, milk and eggs an exotic or foreign food and these are part of the issue. Peanut allergies have doubled from 1997 to 2002; that’s a five year span. Milk and eggs are foods children have been eating for generations, but it seems to be taking children much longer these days to outgrow allergies to them.
Why we may not know why there is a growing increase in food allergies, as parents we do know we need to become better educated in this area regarding what are food allergies and how to prevent them.
Robyn O’Brien is the founder of Allergy Kids, author of THE UNHEALTHY TRUTH: How Our Food Is Making Us Sick and What We Can Do About It, and a mother of four. On her website, Robyn educates us a little on what allergies are and how they are able to affect our bodies.
“Because 70% of our immune system is found in our digestive tracts, the foods that we eat and the chemicals that they contain can have a significant impact on our health.
As these chemicals in foods work through a child's digestive system, they can corrode his or her "pipes" in much the same way that chemical toxins corrode plumbing! This "chemical corrosion" of the digestive tract can leave a child vulnerable to a host of auto-immune disorders, including allergies, asthma, Celiac's disease and other conditions.”
Knowing that our immune system is so dependent on our digestive system, it makes more sense that we know more about what foods to watch out for and signs and symptoms of a food allergy reaction.
Gina Clowes with Allergy Moms provided an extensive list to help identify an allergic reaction to a food item.
Mild to Moderate Allergic Reaction Symptoms:
- Hives, itchy rash, blotches, pinkness
- Red eyes, swollen eyes
- Itching, tingling mouth
- Nausea, abdominal cramps
Severe Allergic Reactions Symptoms:
- Difficulty breathing, wheezing
- Lethargy, blueness, fainting
- Tightening of the throat, feeling of something in the throat
- Hacking cough, horse voice
- Vomiting, diarrhea
- Large, diffuse hives
- Tongue swelling, lips swelling or blue like in tint
- Reactions is progressing and several areas are affected
In treating an unexpected reaction, it depends on whether a child has known food allergies and his history. Minor symptoms, such as a rash or hives, can often be treated with liquid antihistamine and then monitored for any additional symptoms.
For severe symptoms – especially respiratory symptoms – call 911. If you have an epinephrine (Epi-Pen) for known allergies, administer it along with antihistamine and then call 911.
For children and adults with life-threatening food allergies, Gina instructs that there should be a food allergy action plan to detail what to do in the even of a reaction. This will be helpful to a caregiver in the event the child or adult is unable to administer his own medication.
Amy Recob’s daughter was diagnosed with severe peanut and tree nut allergies at 18 months old. This led Amy to author the book, The BugaBees: friends with food allergies. The characters in the book help children understand the ‘Big 8’ in food allergies: peanuts, tree nuts, milk, soy, fish, shellfish, wheat and eggs. These make up 90% of all allergic reactions in the United States.
Parents also need to be aware of other items that might have been exposed in a facility where peanuts and other food allergens are. Also, be sure to read food labels as an item not thought to be a danger might either contain a food allergen or have been processed in a plant with one.
These tips and this information leaves me feeling a whole lot more enabled to deal with food allergies, should it be within my own children or a play-pal who is visiting. I hope this information has been as helpful to you too.
- 1 entry) comment why you would love to have this adorable book and/or these wonderful allergy labels
- 1 entry) follow me on twitter @Glass_Half_Full
- 2 entries) follow my blog
- 2 entries) grab my badge; or remind me if you already have it up
- 5 entries) blog about this article post and giveaway
- 5 entries) email a link to this article post to five friends with me included in the BCC
- 1 entry) Tweet "What everyone should know about kids and food allergies "
- 1 entry) Tweet this giveaway
One separate comment is needed for each entry to be counted. This Giveaway ends on October 26th, 2009 at midnight, CST.
Good luck!
The 1, 2, 3s of Food Allergies (and a giveaway)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
MEME: 5 'purdy' words
MEME: 5 'purdy' words
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Halfway to Each Other...
- 1 entry) Comment what you think of this review
- 1 entry) Comment if you think this is a book for you/a friend/ a family member
- 2 entries) Grab my badge; or remind me that you already have it
- 2 entries) Subscribe to read me
- 3 entries) Follow me
- 5 entries) Email a link to this review/giveaway to 5 of your friends (bcc me @ You may do this more than once, just be sure they are 5 different friends in each email)
- 5 entries) Blog about this review/giveaway at your place and include a backlink ;-) [must leave me a comment with link to the post]
- 1 entry) Follow me on twitter
- 1 entry per tweet) Tweet this review/giveaway. You may do this 5 times a day but I must have a comment for each tweet in order to count it.
Halfway to Each Other...
Zhu-Zhu pet WINNER!
Zhu-Zhu pet WINNER!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Who likes Brandy? We do!
Who likes Brandy? We do!
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