Well, me and Lil' Gal decided we were gonna' make it a day on the town! After all? It IS my BIRTHDAY and she's been wanting to get her ears pierced...can you think of a better way to spend your birthday with your five year old than getting her ears pierced? So, we went.
We went to the mall and stepped into "The Children's Place" because I figured they'd know the best place to have a "child's" ear pierced in the mall. Oh, by the way? They were having a sale. A 50% off WHAT'S ALREADY ON SALE -- SALE!!!! Whoop!!
So, I got Lil' Gal two pairs of shorts and two shirts. Normally priced at $6.50 each (they are cute, comfortable "strechy" shorts. She likes these). They were marked down to $3.99 and 50% off!!! Then? I found two nice collared "Polo type" shirts for Farmer Junior. $16.00 dollar shirts for $4.99? Talk about a birthday treat!!! I love a good steal deal!!!!
I walked out of there with a good place for ear piercing and six pieces of clothing for $18.88. Under $20 bucks! I so gotta' go brag to Pro Homemaker at his blog! [He's in my blog roll if you are curious.]
Lil' Gal picked out the cutest "bling" of light green shiny rhinestone earings to be...pierced with.
Isn't she just the cutest? [And, yes...her hair is very, VERY straight. Because after the Scrapbook Paradise, we went to...the hair salon!] Lil' Gal needed a trim and Mama needed a new doo. Cuz' I've been pretty cheap in the hair department.
Oh, FYI? Everything we purchased at SBP was FREEEE-- due and thanks to credit and gift certificates to splurge on there!!! I DID tell you my MIL rocks!!!! She is the total awesomeness of Mom and MIL!!! EVER!!!]
I mean? I gave up my highlights (which made me look younger, prettier, and, some left over of hot that I used to be) because it was costing $300.00 - $400.00 a year? Can you believe that? Rediculous! And, apparently? They don't take HUGS & KISSES or GROCERY COUPONS for payment.
Anyhow, they had to straighten all her curls out to be sure the cut was even and all. We took off two inches....and framed around her face a little. Gosh, it will be pretty and curly tomorrow? But, it will also look really, REALLY short -- at least for her. Ahhhh, but it needed to be done.
Me? Oh, yeah. I got an actual WASH with a scalp massage! (I forgot they do that cuz' I've gotten so cheap, LOL!) Then, she blowed dried me, and flat ironed me too to be sure for a straight smooth cut.
Not much for one on a straight iron but they use a little spray that protects the hair and helps it hold it's shape (at least until I got home and checked the mail in 20 mph wind). THAT is why I DON'T like "product" in my hair. That, and the humidity.
Anyhow, I got a real nice cut and style....if only I can do it as well myself (without making it look like it always does, LOL!)
THEN? Miss "Dolly" decides to start moving NORTH west. B!tch! Um, we have lots and lots of acres of Cotton poppin' in the field....and Cotton is our CASH crop..... [think about all the stuff made out of cotton in your home...yeah, and it takes very little cotton to make much of anything.]
So, Miss Dolly better keep her Bleepin' circulation far, FAR, away from here. Or, I'll be kickin' some Hurricaine tush -- cuz' it's my bleepin' birthday! And, Hurricaines ARE NOT invited.
Ha ha! And, DH offered to take me to a nice dinner but I decided we'd save the money since I apparently spent a bunch today (oops!)...but, then Lil' Gal and I still have to bake that cake. So, off we go and DH will "pick something up" on his way home.
I still have left over frosting from our 4th of July cupcakes so I'm going to bake the cake? And, let Lil' Gal decorate it anyway she sees fit. And, I'm going on the back porch to drink my "thrifty" wine and read myself a Happy B-day Good Time!
HOLY CRAP! I think I've had the best Birthday EVER!?! And, without even tryin'.
Happy Tuesday! Y'all Bloggies Rock!!!!

Happy Birthday!
Her little ears look so cute. You are such a nice mom to spoil your baby on YOUR birthday. My dad wouldn't let me get my ears pierced until I turned eleven. All that waiting made me rebellious and now I have seven piercings.
Happy Birthday! I'm glad you had fun. :)
I'm fond of cotton.
Pooey on hurricaines.
Well.where the heck have I been??!!
happy birthday girlie!!!! Our Birthdays are really close!! Seriously!! Mine is the 27th!! Of course the years are waaayyyyy off but that's ok. :)
glad you had a great time.
Tell Dolly to back off!
My lil girli s in San Antonio this week...I told her to duck. ha and then to get her little arse home! As if she's gonna listen to me...
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