Anyhow, WWC:
My son's letter to us and my daughter's art...prideful paper. I left the pics a little larger in pixels so you can maybe read the little note he wrote. ;)
I bought paper today. I also bought ribbon. I went a little over board but most of it is for birthday party invitations for some parties I'm working on. And, it was on sale...and I love ribbon.
My secret collection; and yes, I have used most of it. But, ribbon isn't this weeks WWC so now on to ceramic.
This was a wedding gift from family on my DH's side. It seemed like an unusual gift but I have grown attached to it over the years. It's autographed by the artist. Wonder what it's worth?

White, blue and red ceramic -- also at the craft and hobby store. I took these with my cell phone and for some reason blogger won't hold the formatting -- so yes, the are cock-eyed and upside down. They are also 50% off this week!
And, lastly we can not forget this one....
Most important ceramic....
Happy Tuesday! (Watch your credit cards; there are fraudulent people out there).

Nicely done. I have a toilet posted this week too :)
So I was sitting on the pot yesterday morning, doing my morning thang ya know, and I started thinking about WWC. I was like "there isn't a damn thing in this apt that is ceramic."
OOPS. Guess I should have looked down. LOL ;-)
Great pics.
Your daughter's artwork is outstanding.
Those are great! It wasn't until tonight when I got back to the hotel that I realized that I had ceramic all over the bathroom - duh! I posted a lame potted plant instead. How sad is that?
LOL! At Jay's comment!
Great pics this week. But, how does Blogger turn the pics upside down? That one boggles me ;)
"Thank you for everything." Awww! That's so sweet.
Great pictures! I love your ribbon collection. What in the world do you do with it all though. :)
No way! Isabel Bloom is from my hometown The Quad Cities. It's a huge thing there. I was surrounded by them growing up.
knight: You've heard of her? What's her stuff go for? Just curious.
g-manThanks for visiting! I wondered if I'd be one of many or the only one to realize about the toilet. Mine's a kohler ;)
r.e.h.: I changed the formatting but evertime blogger uploaded the pic it flipped it back -- don't know why.
tinkI use ribbon for scrapbooking, making cards, wrapping gifts, and of course, my daughter's hair :).
jay & newt thanks for visiting! I gotta' go make the rounds now too!!
You can check out the website. I think she opened shop 50 years ago and it has become very popular. You can see what things go for here:
Is it safe to assume you got the gift from someone living in Illinois or Iowa?
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