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Thursday, August 7, 2008
3:am Phone Call!!!
I'm laying in bed, sleeping peacefully! Yipeee!!! I'm dreaming about a lot of stuff and I vaguely remember Ellen Degeneres was requiring that I attend some National Blah-blah luncheon, as her "partner" [Porscha?] couldn't make it due to being ill.
At the same time, I was becoming ill with body aches and low grade fever...yet, I was still required to put on a "tuxedo" to attend this function with Ellen, as we were supposed to thank the group for their support in some community service fund raising project we were in charge of.
I took a hot bath to break my fever and soak my aching joints, and then decided to shave my legs since I was in the tub anyhow. It was after said bath that I was explaining to Ellen that I couldn't make the event because I felt ill [and, I didn't want to wear a tuxedo.] when the incident occurred.
OKAY, so:
A) Why dream about Ellen? Seriously?
B) Why dream about a formal luncheon and why do I have to wear a tuxedo?
C) Why was I dreaming about shaving my legs?
WHAT goes through my head? I do not know...
Anyhow, suddenly the phone rings!! Not in my dream, but in reality!
For those of you who don't know it? I have a phone phobia.
My entire body jumps about three feet off the bed, still in horizontal position! I looked like Tom from the "Tom & Jerry" show.
Somehow, I manage to land on my feet and with a jump and a run, I answer the phone in the kitchen. DH is also awakened by the ring, and though he has a phone next to his side of the bed -- I made it to the one in the kitchen first.
The Caller ID is announcing, "FW's Big Brother!" [Yes, our caller ID talks to us, cool, huh?] Now, my heart skips three beats and the adrenaline rush is one of the biggest I've had in a long, long time [with exception to once about a month and a half or so ago]. My legs were totally shaking and my mind was wide awake, though when I answered the phone my vocal cords hadn't quite moistened enough to communicate well.
FIRST THOUGHTS: 1) What happened to DAD?! [Impending doom, thing...I'm assuming heart attack or vehicle wreck...Dad is in AK by the way, long drive (12 hours from my house) and back in the woods.] 2) What happened to Brother Junior? And, then, 3) What happened to Big Brother!!!
On the other end of the phone comes a voice....female...and....EEEE-NEEE-BREE-A-TED! I'm talking to her (there are lots of loud, happy voices in the back ground. I think I hear my brother, also) and she can't hear me. She keeps saying, "HAAAllOOOO? Is someone there?"
Then, I hear her turn back to the gang and state, "I think it's on voice mail?" I respond [still huskily] "PUT Big Brother on the phone!" She doesn't hear me. Again, "HAAAALLOOOO? Is someone there? " Again to the happy voices behind her, "I think it's on voice mail...." Then, into the phone [to me] "I HOPE? It's on voice mail....buzzzzzz" She hung up. I was asking for her to put my Brother on the phone the whole time -- but, she couldn't hear me.
I text my brother that I just had the living $h!t scared out of me and that he might want to get his phone back...LOL!
It's funny now. DH was cursing furiously that if that ever happens again he's going to kick some serious Big Brother @$$...[Not really, he was pissed cuz' he was woken up at 3:a.m. and had the same response I did -- thinking something happend to family.]
DH: "Who the F-Bleep is up and calling people at 3:00a.m. in the F-Bleepin' morning!?" Me, "Hey it happens to...." I stop mid sentence because I realize that we haven't been up past midnight together "partying" with people since the two kiddos were born. But in the old days.....
Anyhow, I ended with at least Big Brother was getting out and having a good time. He doesn't do that very often. I will say, it took me at least two hours to get back to sleep. DH began snoring immediately, though when I poked him? He said he wasn't even asleep yet [;-)riiiiiight]
I moved to Farmer Junior's room and squooshed in on the side with all the stuffed pets and animals. I layed there thinking about blogging this at that very moment as I wasn't able to sleep due to the fact that my legs were still having muscle spasms from the extreme rush of adrenaline.
This morning, having finally fallen back to sleep, I hear DH up and swapping the laundry into the dryer [for me] and then he ran the blower to clean off the porches before he left for work at about 7:05 a.m. I got up, though I didn't want to. I made a deal with myself.
"If DH made the bed....then, I'll just make coffee and fight off sleepiness. If DH, didn't make the bed...then, I'll crawl back in while the kids are still sleeping....I hope DH didn't make the bed..."
He didn't. Lil'Gal woke me up at 8:00 a.m.
Moral of the story is: Don't let drunk Gals use your cell phone....at least not, unattended. LOL!
Love ya' Big Brother [He's actually the second born. I'm the first. But, he is twice my size. Towering over me at 6ft or 6'1 and weighing in at over 200lbs. He's a big Guy, thus, making him my Big Brother.]
Yet, another reason why I hate the phone.
Editors Note: Big Brother called this a.m. He was out with some friends and a Super Model from Canada! Apparently, she is the total HOT of Hotness! Way to GO Big Bro!!!
Happy Thursday!

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I hate that too. I always think its bad news but is usually a wrong number.
How's the cotton?
I agree with Krishna... But at the same time if i have had a LOT to drink I am good at drunk Dialing!! I bet you are glad that I don't have your number eh? And I will say I am glad also, because that means DH would kick my AZZ!! LOL
Glad BB got a Super MODEL!!! woooop!
I'm glad the super model was the hot of hotness because she doesn't sound too bright calling folks at 3am.
Now about those dreams... Obviously you are going to need to shave your legs for a date even if it is with a woman and you are wearing a tux. But if you wear the tux is Ellen wearing a dress? That would be unusual!
krishna, normally I would have thought it was a wrong number, until the phone announced it was my brother...
ne, I'll share with Big Brother your happiness! THX!
knight, didn't realize I'd left it out but Ellen was wearing a Tuxedo...LOL!!!!
bleep bleep bleepity bleep....
gr I can actually interpret those bleeps! And, um, yeah...it was something like that!!! HA-ha!
"A) Why dream about Ellen? Seriously?
B) Why dream about a formal luncheon and why do I have to wear a tuxedo?
C) Why was I dreaming about shaving my legs?"
A. Cause Ellen is FUN-EEEEEE
B. Cause you're playing the "male" role hahahahaa
C. Cause they're secksay when they're shaved.
Hope that helped.
If I had your number I'd totally drunk dial at 3 am. It's not nearly as much fun at 3 pm, so 3 am it is. ;-)
jay Yeah, Ellen IS funny, LOL!
Um, no, I wasn't playing the male...and, she's attached "to be married" and, I am married...and, um...still doesn't explain why she was in my dream except for the "Ellen is Funny" part.
Oh yeah? I do feel soft and sexy when I've freshly shaved my legs (to the thighs, they don't need it -- but they feel sooo, totally, soft)....
Callin' me (possibly to wake the kids) @ 3:am, cuz' it's fun...for a drunk dial...
Hmmmm, let me give you my cell phone then. Cuz' if you call me on the HM phone at 3:a.m., even though I love you? I'll have to call my Daddy....
And, he doesn't like being woke at 3:a.m. either....and he's your neighbor....LOL!
No...seriously. He's your neighbor in those woods, over there....
LOL! [I'm only so funny cuz' I got left waiting out the snore factor...again....]
I'm so with you on the 3am phone calls!! That's the only time I move really quick...cuz it scares the bejebus outta me!
And don't you just love crawling back into bed/? I do!! seriously...that's gotta be the best sleep.
Your big brother should be glad you still like him!! Oh, the adrenaline rush...
A perfect example of why the 'Don't Drink and Dial' rule should always be enforced!
although I am happy that Big Brother is having a good time.
I think you should go to the event with Ellen and wear the tuxedo. Just wear a silky shirt with a plunging neckline under it ;)
lol..I'm totally agreeing with dianne!
Yeah I'm still so sorry about the phone call. I feel bad hope you told DBIL I was sorry. Luv Yall!
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