DH offered to bring something home for dinner. I'm cooked and food'd out. Then, Mommy mind kicks in and I'm thinking how the kids are going to so totally slack and only eat what they want for the rest of the week. *Sigh* I opted to cook again, some baked fish. And, maybe baked potato fries. And, some salad and green beans.
The tree is down and looking at me. Anxious to become part of our decor again. I hear it mumbling something about feeling left out for the last ten months.
Tomorrow was going to be my down day, with cleaning the house (which I enjoy, I know, FREAK). But, now I'm corralled into having to help deliver those extra meals since everything fell apart (this morning) with our usual program. And, I'm picking up my brother (a drive across four towns and then back) but he can go with me to deliver the Meals so he can experience some charity -- and I don't have to worry about being kidnapped or slashed in some way.
[DH told me that I CAN'T go by myself; especially, with the kids. And, he will be out of town tomorrow for the entire day.] Then, baby Bro will hang out and spend the night. Hey? Maybe I should save some of the tree decorating for him to do with the kids. Yeah. Then, I can kick back with my heals up and some vino! Sweeeeet! Thanks for that suggestion, by the way!
I'll have pictures. I know y'all are getting really tired of the 101 on "What's Going Down with FW Today." I'll get back to some funnies and some videos. Macxine's been tempermental about playing sound on You-Tube. [DH swares he did nothing. He did, he used Macxine. Chicken-Biskets!]
Well, time for tylenol and fish. Hope your Tuesday was merry and bright! Ours was sunny, cool but fantastic weather. I felt guilty as I thought of Lis and Gary freezing in below thirty temps with tons of snow and ice...and, no sunshine or break in the weather report for awhile.
Should it get just too D@M! cold? Y'all can come down here and defrost, OKay?
Happy Evening!

I'd love to come and sip vino and watch your bro & kiddos trim the tree. Sounds fun!
I made tacos tonight when all I really wanted to do was go to bed.
And dh used my computer and complained, asking "How can you deal with it when it is so slow?!?" I looked at him and said, HELLO!!! He is spoiled at work and yet he thinks we will go to free dial-up when he retires. yeah, right!
Well, if you get done with your house and need some more happy time, you are welcome to come clean mine! haha
Tomorrow is a dentist visit for H-J and then some final grocery shopping and maybe take the younger kids on a tour through the stores just to see what catches their eyes. (This helps me with shopping for them and for their like-minded cousins.) Then MAYBE I will get up really early on Friday and stimulate the economy?
Happy Thanksgiving!!
you are SO far ahead of me :) lol....I am SO BEHIND!!! you just have no idea!
We will be eating turkey for the whole weekend. I wish I were stopping by for the Mexican feast, that sounds yummy.
Man?! I do believe FW puts us all to shame. You rock girl!! Sounds like a fun family filled weekend.
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