Yeah, so we're cooking up all the goodies and preparing to fry a fantastic turkey -- when, Big SJ says to me, "An Airplane just landed in your back yard..." To which I reply, "Oh? That must be So-And-So." Too funny.
DH's cousin-in-law likes to take his little crop duster (I don't know what model, read the thing for yourself) fishing. (There's his fishing poles riding along side.)
Cousin-in-Law is about seven feet tall. I do NOT exaggerate. His wife is the same height as DH about six foot or six foot two if she chooses to wear a shoe with a sole. I don't know how he is able to fold himself up into this thing. But, he does.
Oh, and Big SJ (I think he dislikes that nick-name, so I'm once again searching for a better reference than "Big Lil'Bro") brought me a Nephew!! YAY! We thought he wasn't going to get to come for the trip because Turkey Holiday is his mom's this year. But, they worked it out. The kids had a blast! And, how cool is it to come visit with your cousins and Aunt and Uncle and have an Airplane land in the back yard? AWESOME! [Okay, the field fenced off behind the back yard. But, still, the back yard. ;-)]
We ate well. Grandpa played some games with Lil'Gal. Since the cousin boys were tearing up the dirt.
Although, they did all three search for "spider eggs" and watch them hatch...???? I don't know. Don't ask.
I got a little jealous but, they all eventually played with me too. And, Daddy and I played Gin tonight. I love to play Gin. If we all get together and don't play poker or Gin, or at least dominoes...well, it just isn't a real visit to me. Daddy whooped my tush at Gin. But, I didn't care. It was fun.
Oh, Daddy read a couple of my article submissions (you know, the good one's where I applied myself) for R&S and he loved them. Tomorrow is the release of the December issue. I'm so SUPER-DUPER excited!!!
I also have a pic of me and the baby brother; not the collegiate, but my third brother born to my Mom -- um, late in life. He has turned from a frumpy, funny, silly fun-loving boy into a total teen hunk-a-dilly athelete! The Gals at school must drool. Hey? What can I say? We carry a good lookin' gene pool! LOL! I'll have to post those pics later because I'm sleepy-pie and tomorrow is the beginning of a very full everything.
Tomorrow is, December 1st. The first day of a new month. The first day of the last month of this year. Already? Yes, already. What a month this will be. It is going to fly-by, I sware. But, I'm happy. I'm loving, I'm living, I'm appreciating and Thankful.
I have a life and my life is good. Count your blessings tonight. Just the iddy-biddy ones. Like, sight, smell, taste, touch, breath.... all good things. I thank the Lord for the sound of my heart beat each night.
Happy Sunday Night!

Sounds like you had a wonderful visit!
I've been up late tonight, prepping posts for this week. I've got something just for you tomorrow!
The plane blew me away. :-)
Just got done decorating for the holidays -- just ahve the tree to go next weekend. Full, full day. But got a new post and two great ideas coming this week.
So happy to hear your visit is going well.
You have a really interesting family alright! NOW I gotta check out the articles in root and sprout!
I had a friend try to get me up in his plane that he built himself. No way would I do it. Not even drunk. LOL
Family visits are always a good time.
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