Yes, we have our happy little tree up. For Dad and the boys. But, I saw this online this morning. So decorating no more will we do. Because now that I'm in my castle, my little 7 1/2 foot tree is dwarfed by the uber high ceiling in the main/great room.
Last year, I actually got up before dawn and dressed and headed out to the big sale JoAnn's was having. I had two coupons I could use together and I was going to get my outrageously expensive super tall tree for next to nothing.
I got there at 6:30 a.m. Actually, probably 6:22-ish. And, they were OUT! Out of the tree I wanted. Apparently, they only had four in stock. WTF!!! [Fill in appropriate term there, flip, fudge, fraud...]
So when inquiring with the sales clerk, this little semi-old lady comments to me, "You have to get up early if you wanna' catch the sales." The store opened at 6:00 a.m. She totally salted my wound. Shame on her. Who did she think she was, anyhow?
So I commented back to her. Oh, yes I surely did. I said, "Well some of us have small children at home that require tending to before leaving the house. Some of us have other responsibilities besides ourselves." I still picked up a few things with my fabulous coupons, but my happy mood had been melted a little.
FLASH FORWARD to this morning:
DH was looking at our tiny tree this morning and stating that it would be nice to have a larger one. He thought we should catch an after Christmas sale. Which I had to explain, "They don't mark down the trees after Christmas. They hoard them for the next year so they can try to nail us into full price again."
I decided to check the sales and I saw the ad above, online this morning. This ad says they are available at 50% off (that's about the best deal you can get around here.) DH said, "Maybe we'll make a weltie this evening." I explained to him that if we were serious, we would need to be there at 5:00 p.m. and waiting at the door front, in the line. He still doesn't understand the whole concept.
But we will head out this afternoon. Maybe, I'll be Happy and Thankful for a big, bright, new tree. Then, we'll pass the little tree along to my bachelor brother or Mom or Baby SIL. Cuz' we are all giving that way.
If the biggest thing going on today, in addition to the fabulous meal my MIL is baking at this very moment, is a great deal on a tree? Whoop for ME!
I'm a lucky Gal.
I hope and pray for all of you friends, readers, bloggers, for your families -- that you have a wonderful and peaceful day. I hope and pray for prosperity for everyone. For some peace of mind, peace in time, and some "Happy" during this Holiday Season.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family FW!!!!!
Oh and have you tried Shiner's new Holiday Cheer beer?? It's so yummy! It has peaches in it! Normally, I don't like fruity beer, but this stuff is great. ;-)
hohoho Farmer's wife!
I looked at all the ads this mornign in the paper but there is nothing I really need bad enough that I would wake up so early for, ha.
I only go if I am with my female in-laws (MIL, multiple SILs) who think shopping is FUN at 0600.
Hope you got what you were looking for!
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