Whoop! Can't get any better than that, right?
So, me and DH have been planning a date night because things in the life of FW and DH have been hectic, and busy, and scheduled, and non-spontaneous, yada-yada.
But, we've planned this date night for the last three or four nights. And, we have found out that we are easily seduced. Yeah, we are whore-pies that way. Sleep is a very mystic and shadowy player. She cheats. She does NOT play fair. And, she plays both sides. Though, she does provide great peaceful, slumbering, pleasure? -- She's can't flirt or prostitute her way through the snore factor. Yet? I still play the fool.
So, tonight is about love and money. Ooooh Yeah!
Yesterday I was so concerned about the election and red and blue and mixing the colors all back to normal. I didn't want to slight the importance of the day with my efforts to stimulate the economy, while sneaking my money bucks into my back pocket. (That road goes both ways too!)
Grocery shopping: Savings? $24.50. Freebies: 10 extra razors, worthy of a Farmer*s Wife's legs....cuz' she likes silky and luxurious. And, best purchase I made? Fantastik! No, not the happy, the product. "Fantastik."
How? You ask. How, FW did the antibacterial and all around cleaner become so "Fantastik" for you?! I had two coupons. 1) from the newspaper clippings for $1.00 savings. 2) printed from the internet for $1.50. That means I had $2.50 in coupon savings for Fantastik. But, Fantastik was priced at $1.97. Oh, my? Whatever shall they do? PAY ME, the money $$.
So, I got paid to take home a bottle of Fantastik for free. A whole 53 cents in my pocket in addition to my savings. Who woulda' thought, cash back! ME. Pro-Homaker, that's who. You better click to him. You better find him. You would be letting your pocket book down if you didn't take to his teachings.
That kind of savings? Weekly? Oh Yeah, baby. I've been seduced. By [saving] money!
So now? I'm off for my sleepy slumber date.
Happy Money Seduction Day, Baby!

Sadly, date nights are hard to come by these days. We no longer have to get a babysitter (got a few who live here all the time!) but by Friday night, we have no energy to go anywhere. On the other hand, we save a lot of money by not going anywhere!
But I can't complain; last week we had a daytime date and went for a hike. I think I'll blog it on Friday. ;)
Date night is a great idea. I should try it with someone sometime. ;-)
kc I totally know where you are coming from. Oh, and I fell asleep. Tucking Farmer, Jr. in.
*sigh* Poor DH. Guess he movie'd it alone.
jay You so totally should try that sometime with someone. Just don't fall asleep. ;-)
we still have trouble scheduling date night...:(
I wish I had the time to work on coupons and such...everytime I think I might be able to....someone;) needs me to do something...ugh!
Oh well...one day.
happiness to you!!
Ahh you're so sweet ... I love the Fantastik deal. :-)
I know the "fall asleep" mode well. After dinner, plopped on the sofa, and 40 mins later woke up, and then up to 2:30 a.m. Argh!
But gotta get to bed early tonight 'cause I have to show property tomorrow at (gulp) 9:30 a.m. Time to sparkle! :-)
(Oh but I did take good use of the late night last night, and planned my grocery assault for the week. Not a lot of good deals, so just gonna snag a few here and there)
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