The tree is decorated! We stuck with the old one. She's small, but she's been a good tree. The stockings are hung, and theirs greenery and berries strewn around my deer tine chandelier. (My Fab MIL and FIL gave it to me and DH for our birthdays combined so we could have one in the new home. See? I told you they are FAB!)
I even have Christmas tissue holders in the guest baths (I got'em half off around Halloween)!
DH took the youngins for lunch so that my kitchen can stay sparklie until Daddy and the boys get here. [Anyone who has children knows that you can spend four hours cleaning a home and it only takes the children four minutes to unravel it all :-D ]
The boys got off late cuz' the collegiate took an extra hour to piddle over to Big SJ's apartment (they are riding down together. The collegiate attends college in LA but came down to TX to see his Mom, friends, and pop in here for a few days).
So, everyone should be pulling in here about 2:00 p.m. Including Daddy from the airport. DH will go pick him up so I can wait here for the other two.
[Crap, I hear a diesel engine which means DH and my sweet mess mongers are back; and the phone is ringing too!]
DADDY'S AT THE AIRPORT! We aren't there yet. Oops.
Anyhow, Macxine has been moved from her typical docking on the kitchen bar and into the bedroom on my side. So, I may not be able to pop in as addictively as usual. Leave me messages and I'll be-bop into your place as soon as I can. I'd say late tonight after everyone else has hit the hay -- but we all know that lately, that hasn't been an option. ;-)
[Okay. I confess. There are four loads of laundry hidden in my bedroom to be folded and put away. A Gal can only do so much! ;-) ]
Happy Day After Thanksgiving!
Happy FWFD!

I have 2 that need folded and put away...and 2 that still need washed. There is a time to work and a time to play, you dun good by the floors...Hope you have a great weekend!!~C
I'm exhausted, and all I did this year was make a green bean casserole - LOL!! Seriously, where DO you get all that energy??
I begged dh to rub my feet last night, after being on them all day. Then I slept in today.
Aren't you tired?!?
Hope you have a wonderful time with your family visiting! :)
So happy to hear you were all set for the guests.
I was hoping for a new tree this year (a green one) but going with the white one again (hey, that money can buy presents instead)
My T-day went off without a hitch! I was so happy my dinner turned out so well.
But pooped from the trip to LA, but just had to check in. :-)
oh my goodness, you didn't get the laundry put away?????????
I want your energy! You rock FW!! Hope you are enjoying all your company.
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