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Saturday, November 1, 2008
November Rocks!
Howdy All!
The party was a hoot! A hit! The "rave" of Halloween around here! Oh yea! Some of my Mommy friends from the kids school chums who attended - also dressed up! Adorably cute and beautiful! I pulled the camera out! And, then I got distracted by food, cooking, talking, setting up, visiting, catching up on the scoop, school talk, children -- everyone went home....me, with one lil'ol picture.
I tried to vlog all day today. But, when I squeezed them in? Either I was interrupted. Lost my thought. Or, Photo booth timed out on me. Photo booth has been a little finicky lately. I'll take that up with TG next time we see him and he can probably just put a newer version on my sweet LT for me.
I will say, on top of the leftover clean up and the poundage of laundry I had put off from yesterday to tend to today? I spent the entire mid-morning and past noon reading the currently released issue of Root and Sprout which can be found at Root and Sprout -dot- com. Then, I went and played and visited in "Grow Together" which is the online networking site that accompanies R&S [I know, y'all have heard all this before, but I'm still excited so you are reading it again]. I was meeting some new members and handing out compliments for articles I really enjoyed reading, etc.
On top of all that, Lil'Gal has been all about "watch me this and watch me that and lets make this and lets make that." While I'm [bad parenting] pining my way through all the R&S and G2thr and then finally finding my way to read some of my blog roll.
So, I took out time to arts and crafts (the easy way) with Lil'Gal and then watch her perform her circus feats on the swing set and be her photographer as requested, then folding clothes while watching the glorious sun set as it does so gloriously. DH and Farmer, Jr. went out for the afternoon/evening hunt and are now on their way home.
I'm ready to bath with Lil'Gal but she has tired of me since I've been typing this post the last few minutes. What a great day. Today was beautiful! And, I woke up in an entirely happy, life is so awesome mood! I think Lil'Gal only got one or two outbreaks from me -- and I was totally the cool Mom about it too!
a) "I don't want to clean my room. It's too hard and work." I addressed the situation with all that I do daily for everyone else and messes I deal with daily that I don't make. And, ended with the fact that if it is too hard for her to clean her room, I can eliminate a whole lot of the toys that are in her way and donate them to a little gal less fortunate who would surely keep them tidy. It worked.
b) Spitting water on the floor from my "Queen of Sheba tub" while I am here typing. This was to get my attention, even though we are currently conversing. For that one? She got a whole big scolding and I shared that "I am not cleaning it up" because I didn't make the water mess and if she doesn't clean it up -- her Daddy will surely tend to that.
Again? I win Point made. Lesson learned. Oh, so awesome when it works out this way.
Happy November! I *heart* November. I'll be back again with more to share in a happy and fun fashion. Because my brain is totally a'buzz with -- well-- everything. Buzzzz. Buzzzzzz, Buzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Happy Day to ya'!
-FW :-D

Root and Sprout
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Wow. You make me tired just reading the description of your day - but somehow happy and content, too - because you had such fun with it. Hope the pictures of your little acrobat turn out nicely.
I am off to dream land but was amazed at all you wrote about here...wow. Busy alright!
Best wishes, see ya Monday, gr
You are too B-U-S-Y!!!!
I totally laughed over your A and B points to Lil Gal. I think I have those conversations daily with my kids!
Sounds like a fun time. You are a better mom than I...My house is never company ready, as I live in CHAOS. My kids toys are going either in the burn barrel or to charity b4 X-mas. They always get so much new stuff and then it intermingles with the old and nothing stays organized...
Sounds like a really nice time. Hope your taking it easy today.
very awesome blog some how i found you looking for things on our sons birth defect esophageal atresia. I wish you nothing but the best.
kayla, I hope you find what you are looking for and needing for your son. How scary! Come back again!
Parenting never gives us a break, does it? But there ARE some wonderful times, and we wouldn't give it up for the world.
Happy November!
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