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Sunday, November 2, 2008
Because I'm Better Than I AM...
The past few days, well the past few weeks, but now in the vanguard of my mind -- I've been thinking. Well, I've been functioning and "going through the motions" and tending to the million things that were piled into the final days of October. But, the back of my mind, the subconscious was working and pondering away at something important. Something I'm excited about. Something I'm involved with that is something -- I've always wanted to do.
Not to beat the same tune on the same drum, over and over again...but, I want to be a writer! I've been so enthused about Lis' e-zine [yes I have to give you the link again: Root and Sprout]. I've been so excited about being published there! Though, I feel like...I'm lacking something. I'm slacking. Because, I'm better than that. I'm better than I AM and I can do better - a lot better- in this endeavor.
I've written a lot over the years in my life. Though, sporadically. And, in phases. In high school? I started a teen romance novel. But, it sputtered out when my "crush" turned out not to be all my mind had made him to be. In the end? He and I The characters were going to end up together all "happily ever after in highschool" like.
I've had submissions published in Kiwanian/Key Club monthly newspaper editions, school newsletters and I was the "Newsletter" editor for the Paralegal Association years back when I had the litigation business. I've even been published in "Texas Trophy Hunter Association" magazine. [The story of my hunt when I took down the drop tine in Gillespie County. Yes, in the pre-children days I sported a rifle pretty well. I also sported a concealed weapons license and a 45 to go with it, for my personal safety. But, now the only shooting I do is with my Digital Cannon. Though, I will add that I'm a really good shot!]
In blog world, I noticed occasionally that my mind has mushed some since becoming a SAHM. My intention has always been that once the children were in school together I would be a WAHM. I've got great ideas and creativity. I'm really crafty and have an Etsy site. I just haven't gotten around to making those cute stick ponies and adaptable party invitations and all the other great stuff I know how to do on a cheap budget.
But, while working with Lis at her e-zine and trying to be supportive and getting more and more involved? I've realized my mind needs and upgrade. And, I'm older. And, my fabulously almost perfect sense of spelling? Has gone down hill BIG TIME.
Formatting a sentence? I feel like I'm still okay with that as the legal field always required a massive vocab and extreme grammar skills. Although, the rules of the "real world" work differently in the legal field. (ie: run on sentences are used very prominently.) But, for the most part, I know where to insert a comma and a semi-colon. [Blog world makes that hard too. Because, I love to play around with punctuation. But, then I start thinking my fun way is the "right" way and that's where I get into trouble.]
And, I know that I am Better Than I AM. I know it. It's so enigmatic that through hanging out in blog world and meeting up with a kind Potter, and baking some muffins, that I would become so totally enthralled in this project. It's on my mind all the time. I'm trying to figure how I can be better, do more, contribute, and most importantly? Write in a witty, funny though serious when called for, captivating fashion.
So, I'm in. I'm ALL IN. I went to the bookstore and purchased a pocket reference and a new thesaurus. I love words....I'd almost forgotten how much. Vocabulary is awesome. That's why I love combining words and making up new ones to fulfill the thought or feeling I am trying to portray. And, you know what else? I got the book, "The Everything Guide To Magazine Writing." Because, I'm not limited. I love this. I always have. Blogging has brought out the ME side of me.
I'm thrilled to have readers and bloggers who follow me (though, I know we all are). But, to bring a smile, a chuckle, or a revel to someone? Someone I've come to know through this outlet or maybe don't know at all? Awesome. I love it. I want more. I need it. I'm inspired.
Oh, AND? I can do it all from home! The best of all worlds.
And, if you are thinking this is some ploy to rank up points with Lis so she'll hire me it's not. You have to know that about me by now. I'm just really excited. Life via her has brought me to what I love to do!
And, it made me realize I'm already doing it. But, I can be more. Because, I'm Better Than I AM.
Hooot! Hooooot! Happy!
Happy Sunday to ya'!

Root and Sprout,
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Listen, the muffin test kitchen project? NOBODY could have written that better, NOBODY. Well organized, well thought out and prepared, good pics AND you tried to explain the pitfalls to watch out for. Superb project. You took the ball, ran with it, scored the touchdown and WON THE GAME.
AND, your writing and vlogging here? Totally funny and entertaining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rock on FW, rock on...
I know exactly what you mean with grammar and punctuation and all of that in the blog world. It has been very freeing and a lot of fun to play with sentence structure outside of RULES. I have to be really careful to keep it within the bounds of blogging; the temptation is there to let loose everywhere!
Sometimes I think I have what it takes to be a writer, but I find I enjoy the writing of others more than my own. I do enjoy building a newsletter, and my dh & I together can rock a Christmas letter.
What he said. :)
What she(FF)said. :>
I bought a lot of those writing books a few months back, started reading them, all excited and now they are collecting dust while I tread water trying to keep from sinking into the abise of the "to do" list! I love reading your articles in R&S. I especially liked your Grow Through Laughter stories!
Part of what makes your blog so enjoyable is the way you write. And while it might not be "by the rules," per say, there ARE no rules when it's done in your own space.
A person has to adapt her writing style for any publication to which she submits an article. There is no "one size fits all." It's part of what makes a good writer, I think: the ability to read a publication and know exactly who the audience is and what tone to use when addressing the readers.
Your writing style is not wrong or bad - it's YOU, and I love it! However, I do have to edit your articles for R&S (as I edit ALL the articles to achieve roughly the same feel). I don't ever want you to think I don't appreciate your style or that I'm somehow implying it's wrong.
You're doing a great job!
I love to read about people being inspired or what their passion is all about. You are a great writer/blogger/Mom/wife/coffee drinker:)/happyness queen!!and...
I heart ya something awful. Follow your dreams sugar...it helps us be who we're supposed to be.
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