So far, I have done over half the stuff on my list and the other stuff mostly consists of duties that can be done from or within the home. So, if I stay on track at 85 mph until 6:00 pm and then slow to a crusing 75 mph? I'll have totally ROCKED this Wednesday! I mean, kicked it in the Hump-Diggity!
Anyhow, I'm "Boy Howdy" happy because the internet is up again! [Cover your ears] SQUEEEEEEE-eeeeeeeeeee! All is well in FW's world because she can work across the entire nation from within her castle! Oh, and I got some great photos to attach with my article due next week for Root & Sprout!!! [The editor's going to love me! *smiley-wink*]
I also received a referral from a friend. I did her daughter's party last summer with invitations, tu-tus, peter-pan hats, coloring books, fairy wings, etc. for a budge of $60.00. So she paid me $100 on top of it for handling all the details for her ;-) Unfortunately, the Gal called me yesterday and the party is the 30th of this month. In order to shop effectively and get the most bang for the buck, I need a couple of months notice (I prefer four).
And, November is booked to the limit. Next week is the school art project me and the other Super Mom are doing with the bigger kids. She's the one who gave me the wine cooler. I need a good blog name for her. Then, I have to shop and prepare the Thanksgiving meal for the school and parents for Wednesday's holiday family lunch. Wednesday will be spent all day at the school on that.
I have to write my article, work on the project for Kiwanis (angel tree gift list for the MHMR Hospital in the area), there are doctor's appointments next week, the school field trip is Thursday, Mrs. P's b-day is Saturday so I'm in charge of handling her b-day gift from the PTL (I volunteered for that one willingly, in fact it was my idea), then the kids will be out of school and I'll be preparing for Thanksgiving week with my Mom, and then my Dad and the boys are coming down.

Yada-Yada, Happy December!
Oh, I received another award today!!! I'm so Super Thank-happy! Ms. Olives and Pickle Juice gave it to me! Here it is:
Too kind!
Welp, My Wonderful -Best-Woman-I-Know-In-The-World MIL called and I need to pop over to her house on the way to get the children from school (something about a Christmas present for one of them).....
Then, it will be time for spelling tests, memory verses, reading, and baked chicken!
Ain't Life Awesome!
Happy Hump-Diggity - Mid Afternoon!

I don't know how you do it!! Seriously!! I need a nap after I read everything you do in a day.
what's in that coffee anyway?
go gettem girl!
Love the award too :)
I agree w/ tt. Your posts make me tired. LOL
I hate when I feel suckered into volunteering for stuff. It really irks me.
Happy Kung Fu Fighting Wednesday! You earned it.
You kill me sometimes. I'm glad you got your printer. Let me know your ideas for the bday party--i might be able to help you out and tell ya what i've seen lately.
Congrats on the printers -- and sucha productive day.
I just posted a post that I think will come in handy for you -- doubling recipes for the upcoming 6weeks.
Thanks, too, for the sweet comment earlier today. :-)
You are raking in the awards these days, for good reason, too!
I've discovered that going to meetings is DANGEROUS.
And, HOORAY for home internet service!
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