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Friday, October 31, 2008
Final Countdown!!!
Everything is done!!!! YAY!!!! I didn't think I'd make it but I did!!!! And, the floors smell delicious!!! At least until ten to twelve children come runnin' rampart.
The fajitas are ready to be cooked
The beans are made
The rice will cook up fresh in the rice cooker
The pico de gallo is made
The dip is made
The house is set up
Spider cracker cookie thingies made
Chocolate Spider Web sheet cake (with gummy worms in web) is made
Tea is made
Beer is on ice (Okay, DH gets credit for that one)
I'm not stinky sweaty smelling anymore
Wine is all iced down
Wait. Something is missing. Something....Crap-diddly! I didn't make the hamburger worms. Wonder if I can squeeze'em real quick like and bake them in the oven instead of the grill. Slow like so they will cook but stay warm.
Well, I better jump to that. And, Macxine will have to leave her place her in the bar. Yep. [I'll put her in my bathroom so I can pop in if things get boring and say Hi! Okay, things won't get boring but if they get outrageous? LOL!]
Oh, and DH has to fumigate a ship tonight. Between 6:pm and 9:pm they think. You have to wait for the call in these things. Way to Monkey Wrench my party! Poop. More work for me.
But, so long as the kids have a good time and everybody is completely out the door by 9:00 I'm happy and I'll hang out and catch up in what's been going on in your neck of the woods tonight!!
Happy I hate Halloween Party Day to Ya'!!!!

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I am *so* with you on Halloween. Luckily, I remind myself, it's the unofficial start of the holiday season, so I look forward to that. Luckily, Art's sister and beau decorate -- and I do mean *decorate* -- the outside of the house, so all I have to do is cook. We have two 6-foot tall ghouls, skeletons everywhere, strobe lights, glowing cadaver, screaming CDs, and a spooky chandelier over the front door. Looks great, but tomorrow all the stuff goes down! Thank God for the gin and tonic. :-)
BTW, just posted tonight -- free Oprah decorating magazine (Winter issue) on www.Prohomemaker.com.
Same deal -- no auto renewal, no cancelling, just free! :-)
OH FW, did DH have to leave????
Hope everything went off without a troubles. Sounds like a lot of fun. Yeah? Did DH leave?
Oh can we so have pictures soon? I love pictures....
Hope it was fun!
(The idea of hamburger worms grosses me out. UGH)
We T&T'ed in a friend's neighborhood, since there is none to be had in our own.
Thanks FW for the comment. I am glad for you the holiday is over. So we know you *do not* heart Halloween. What about the other holidays comin' 'round the bend?
bbMom, I *heart* every other holiday! So, technically? This is the beginning of my year! :-D
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