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Friday, February 15, 2008

My Gramm, reincarnate....the sewing lesson

So, I had a "sewing lesson" today. Had my Gramm not passed away [it's been five and a half years now] she would have provided the lesson herself. And, in some strangely, awesome way....she did.

I'm pretty good with a glue gun. I've crafted ALL types of stuff for my kids parties, etc. From life size tee-pees, to tu-tus, stick ponies, PeterPan hats, and Indian headbands -- feathers included. But, there is something powerful about a "stitch." Had I known how to use this thing [and, had I had it at the time] I could have made stick ponies for everyone at my son's "Spirit [Stallion of the Cimmarron]" party. You can make'em for about $3-4 bucks but to hand stich them all? With the mane? Forget it.

So, "Kay" drove in a good hour to teach...just, little ol' me. She won't teach more than 3 students at a time and I got lucky enough to have her all to myself. This lady knows everything, I mean ever-y-thing about sewing. [And, yet she shared that "we" are always learning.] She's in her 60s and she's been sewing since she was FIVE years old.

She taught me way more stuff than I'd ever use (my Dad says, "you never know...") Lots about fabrics and the way they set, other terms that I forget. How to stitch a Flat Fell Seem, a Hong Kong Finish, and a French Seem (which was apparently invented by a seamster who embarrasingly "messed up" and "rigged" his project with this seem. So embarrassed that he didn't claim it. It's a seem worth FORTUNES now.) This sounds all well and boring, I know. But, I actually sewed these seems.

She was "very thorough" too. Keeping her iron hot to "press" each individual seem I had stitched. She was as much a fountain of knowledge about sewing as my Gramm was about typing and proper grammar. I could call my Gramm with any grammar question. She knew almost ALL the grammar rules.

When the lesson was over she had one final requirement of all her students. [I already knew what it was.] A hug. I'd spent the morning learning, and smelling her (she smelled that perfumie smell like my Gramm), and watching her (she had that same crow crinkle like my Gramm -- the same crow crinkle I am now developing). She sounded and behaved, re-incarnate of my Gramm. I didn't have the chance to tell her this as I had to rush off because I wanted to take lunch to my beloved MIL and eat with her at the Hospital. The $20.00 my private lesson cost me barely paid for her fuel. But, it was worth a lifetime of memories.

I think I'll send a card to her to the store. And, although, I don't have time to sew master-pieces...I just might take one more lesson. For memories sake.

[FYI, I left out? My mom inherited the "super sewer gene." I'd have her teach me but I'm too selfish with her time. I prefer to "share her" with my kids :) ]


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