Multiple of my bloggie pals and readers have added their two cents and thoughts to "you know what" you know where.
45 minutes left!
There is still time to drop some additional "you know whats" for additional entries for the random drawing!
I'm cutting it off at NOON, Texas time.
Then, I'll tally the totals -- make the little slips for each Bloggies "you know whats" and have it ready for the kids to vlog and draw the winners!!! [Oooops, did I say winnerS? That must mean there's more than one prize? Hmmmm, I'll have to go check that out!]
I'm off to make that bed, swap the laundry, fold the loads, and scrub the other three toilets (and two tubs.)

OMgosh.....I forgot this was the deadline....I'm off to you-know where
Oh no! I have to keep up!
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