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Monday, September 8, 2008
Holy Y'IKE's....
Apparently? According to the latest little news drop in -- before the actual ten o'clock news view....Mr. H a/k/a "Ike" is heading with all the spaghetti tags grand central station down the way of South Texas. Corpus Christi? Galveston? Brownsville? Farmer*sWife's back door? Is it gonna' come here?
I wish I could text or email or blog Mr. Ike a message in Hurricane Morse Code Stating: "Hey IKE? STOP. We still have crop and money in the field, STOP. Please disarm the high winds and rains, STOP. Party in the Gulf awhile, STOP. Then, when tired and hung over? Dissipate, STOP."
Wouldn't that be so cool? To just communicate with weather? Geeze. So back to where I was. Is it coming to my back door? Is it? Huh? is it? Well, guess we will all find out come Friday or Saturday morning. Son of a Bleach!!!
DH says [I'll moderate his explicatives] "If that explicative, explicative, Mother of a and Son of a Explicative, comes this way and here? We are packing up and getting the H-E-double L outa' here."
[Me to myself] "I don't want to get the explicatives out of here....unless we don't have clean water....." Though, if we do leave? I'd love to go see my Daddy and hang out with him and let the kids play in the woods. But...that's a whole lot of an eleven to twelve hour drive away.
And, DH, probably won't be in the mood for a trip that far....and, or course, if you are going the Arkansas way? Welp...Son of a Bleach "IKE" might hit that way too - full of winds, rains, tornadoes, and loss of power.
Hmmmm. Maybe North and West -- deep west and into a big city...that has high speed available all around the "town."
That way? I won't loose connection with my bloggies, my friends, and my Peeps!!!!!
Bleepin' Hurricane! Bleepin' Ike! Craptastic suckville of weather!!! Phewloop!
Well, in two days I'll be packing down my own vehicle with all my takes and not melts that DH will gripe about -- thus, is why I will be taking my own vehicle with my not to melts and other stuff, LOL!
Macxine? She'll be in front cuz she doesn't require the safety of a booster seat and seat belt. My youngins'? They'll be watching DVD right behind me, belted in safely. DH? Hmmmm. Good question. Bet he won't want to leave his vehicle behind....man, I love that truck. Times like these make me wish I was back in a Billy Bad @$$ truck...but, Mama's need the SUV.
Night Y'all. Mornin' comes sooner than I expect.
Happy Monday Night, and Happy Weather!

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Thinking of you tonight -- hope all goes well.
Yep, I've been watching the weather channel for you. I hope that Ike turns out to be like Hanna-who?? was for us. A bit of badly-needed rain and some nice strong breezes, but no power outtages.
geez, good luck alright!
btw--I don't have an orange for the sun on that mug and I will have a little trouble making the whole thing yellow--but you will see what I can do and decide if it is what you want! Thanks, gr
btw, the quote thing is pretty funny over there!
Thanks for the hugs and thoughts y'all....
DH popped in to say that by tomorrow morning we will know if we need to start eating everything in the freezers/fridge (I just grocery shopped yesterday!)...
And, packing up. I DON'T WANNA' pack up and leave my happy home and castle.... I really, really, really, really, really don't wanna go....
[Ike? Please go WAYYYYY South, Please? Pretty please? With cherries and whip cream on top?]
guess ya'll are packing up? we thought it was headed here until last night. good luck and you can always come to H town! :-)
I have two Aunts and a hand full of cousins living in Galveston. Hope y'all are OK. That is how you say it there right?
Maybe if you do the happy dance for Ike he'll leave...maybe???
Man that just sucks! Sorry suga.
I'm crossing all my crossables for ya. :)
I'm sorry. I sent Ike packing and then he decided your state looked like a nice place to camp out. We should all move somewhere safe... Like Iowa. Lol.
Yall are in my thoughts and prayers!!
love ya girl!! Take Care!
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