I wanted to put a little blip out about the project I worked on with "Potter's Blog" (link in my list up above) for the new online parenting magazine called "Root & Sprout." It's originator is Lis Garrett.
It's a great website/online magazine with lots of different stuff for pre-parents, baby stages, toddlers, small children, tweens and the like. There are other sections such as "Grow Through Laughter" [I submitted a poem and she published it there.]
If you click the "Cultivate Your Relationship" link it will take you to some recipes and such. Potter's Blog and I worked together on the "PB&J Muffins." He researched the recipe and Lil'Gal and I did the cooking. There's a photo shot of Little Gal cooking and Farmer, Jr. enjoying the end product ;-).
OH, FYI! They have monthly drawings for cool and free stuff! I signed up for the newsletter and won $25 BUCKs sent to my PayPal account! Thanks Lis and rootandsprout.com!
AND, I signed up for lots of the freebie drawings last month and won a Klean Kanteen from www.H2Ox2.com! And, it's in the mail and personalized!!! Whoo-Hoooo!!!
So friends, fellow Mommies, and parenting bloggers stop over there at www.rootandsprout.com and give it a read! And, check out this months drawings for cool free stuff! Go sign up! You might win! I DID!!! ;-D

That was a lot of fun alright, and you really turned into a star. A great article.
Kinda thinking about trying homemade peanut butter cups, I wonder if I made them, and then asked the South Texas kids test kitchen to try it.....?
Ooh those sound yummy!
That's a really cool site. Thanks for the link!
Thanks so much for all your hard work!
Must. make. pb&j muffins.
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