But, it did the "Hokey-Pokie" and it turned itself around! So, watch my happy little vloggie! And, you can see me Happy Dance and then I'll share a few of the squeeeeees I saved $$$, dineros/cash/dollars on!!!
Oh, and I also forgot to add extra joy to what is "toppin' off" happy? Pottery Man over at his Potter's Blog is working on a new coffee mug (hopefully, the spill free kind) for me to pour my whole little four cup caraffe in at one time!!!!!! [Go check it out at his place, it's super cute!]
At first I wanted one of his "Cow Jumps Over the Moon" mugs...but, then? I thought to myself, "I'm drinking coffee in the morning and that means I am watching the sunrise. So, in reality? The little cow should be jumping over the sun...am I right?"
So, gr, the cool Pottery Guy he is? Is making it that way and Farmer*sWife size too!!! Wait!!!
Once again? It gets better! I won $25.00 in a drawing for signing up for a fabulous new parenting website/online magazine (rootandsprout.com) to which I have also submitted several articles and been published and/or to be published in future editions....
So, my mug [pleading I don't get jinxed/hack-robbed] will be paid for via my PayPal bucks!!! Yippeeeeeeee! For, Lil'ol MEeeeeeeeeee! Super-Duper-Di-Deeeeeee!
Happy Monday, y'all!
[Editor's Note: Gary Rith with Potter's Blog is in a link over to the left of my blog and scroll down. Root and Sprout can be found at rootandsprout.com and also on my favorite websites list; it is a wonderful resource ran by a Mom and written for by Mom's and Dad's trenching it out "family style" every day!]

Left your comment over on YT so I could watch you in high quality. LOL
You're just awesome! :D
For anyone else, I would have turned this video off. I hate grocery shopping and house-wifey things. But you just make it so fun and cute. I hope that we are still friends when I become a housewife so I can get some good tips from you! Happy Monday! :)
My goodness, you are the nicest yet most FUNNY person on earth!!!!!
Thanks for all the mentions.
Maybe you are creating a NATION OF Farmer's Wife VLOG ADDICTS!!!!!!!!!!
I want a cap that says 'I am a farmer's Wife VLOG Addict'. Maybe a tee too.
I'm totally going over to your YouTube page to give this video 5 stars just for that happy dance. LOL
Yall Rock!!!
Sorry em....I won't distress you, or any of y'all, in quite so much "shopper vlog' detail again.
I was just sooooo gleefull? That, I had to do the Happy Dance!!! On camera!
Though, I usually do it much better in the appropriate attire -- meaning, not tight tush capris, and two inch wedged shoes...LOL!!!!!
Maybe the next time? I'll wear my Dallas Cowgirl Cheerleader Outifit -- should it still....fit. LOL!
You could not wipe the smile off my face watching your vlog! I am *so* happy you had such a great day with such great deals! Makes me feel *so* good, and thanks for the great mention of my blog. I cannot believe someone in Texas is enjoying -- and using -- the tips. You made me a proud Prohomemaker! :-)
Gal, you crack me up! I'm happy for all your great deals. :)
I do most of my shopping at Costco and the Army Commissary. All those loss-leader ads that come in the mailbox each week? Those are the things I pick up when I shop for fresh produce at my local store. Ice cream has been on sale a lot lately, so I have happy kids. :)
Your new coffee cup over at Gary's? AWESOME.
Well, it's Wednesday morning..a.k.a. hump day...lol...and I just now got to see your Happy Dance!!! OMG...I so needed this on Monday...but I didn't get here, pfft!
You know, if you could figure out how to bottle some of that energy, you could make a.l.o.t of money! I'm talking serious bucks here.
Don't you just love the $5.00 shoes! I look everytime I'm there just to check and see if maybe there's something that sparks my interest. I haven't seen those though or I would have them on my feet right now! Very cute!
Hope Ike leaves ya'll alone. We're supposed to get the rain and winds from him this weekend. :(
Have a giganticly wonderfulest day!
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