I woke at 4:19. Farmer, Jr. was nudging me to move over, or out of his way....he wanted our bed. I give in. I'm heading to his room so I can have a bed for myself. I couldn't go straight back to sleep. I considered blogging.... I thought, better to not and close my eyes and hope wait patiently for slumber.
[Waiting. Waiting. Waiting.]
I hear feet shuffling. It's coming from Lil'Gal's room. Her body is bothering her. Part of her urinary issues. She is often rashed down "there" due to urine that dribbles or is unexpectedly released. Kind of like those commercials about bladder control.
I try cream. Nope. She is obviously in real discomfort. Poor Lil'Gal. Not fair. So, we take a warm soak in the tub. That often helps. I'll be keeping her home from school today. Making the calls to the doctors to see which one can fit her in -- all they really need to do is call in an antibiotic. We are going to have to put her on it prophylactically again.
The tub helped for about five minutes. Now, I'm just trying to keep her mind off of it and hoping she can fall back to sleep for a few hours.
I'm not complaining by any means. There are parents with children that can't communicate. There are parents with children who have a limited life span. I'm one of the lucky ones. Very lucky x two. We have to get this figured out and addressed, though.
Anyhow. Wishing I had my BIG MUG about now. Maybe it will come in today.
Happy Tuesday!

First there is way to much bed hoppin in your house. Like musical beds. Never know where you will end up. *smile* I feel ya on the lack of sleep. Just see my post from 2.
I hope lil'Gal gets to feeling better. Poor lil sweetie. That has to be a BIG annoyance for her.
Poor Lil'Gal. It's bad enough when we grown-ups have these sorts of issues, but to be so young...
Praying you can get a doc to take care of you ASAP and that you all get a good night's sleep tonight.
I had most of a big pot of coffee myself today (and yesterday).
your poor child! and you would get tired from caring for her and worrying about it....
um, Mister UPS says hopefully THURSDAY for the mug
gr, I'm going to see Mr. UPS on my way to the doctor's appt! YAY!
I am sorry to hear about a trip to the dr. That always sux!
I hope she gets to feeling better
Awww poor kid. Hopefully someday this problem can actually be eliminated instead of just trying to manage it.
Biggggg squeezers to lil gal!! Like everyone's bad enough when it happens to an adult...but to a kid...not fair!'re not getting any more sleep either...that's not good. Yea, you need your huge-O mug from GR....full of your favorite caffinated beverage. Yummmm....
Hope everyone gets some z's tonight.:)
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