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Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Don't Hate Me!
I'ts 8:24 a.m. and already I'm miles of minutes behind. I have to re-Bissell the kitchen and dining area because the youngins' made a little crumble mess. But, at least I have a great kitchen and dining area to Bissell (Flip-It; vacuums and mops at the same time! Cuz' I'm all about multi-tasking!)
Then, it's bathrooms, vanities, oooh, almost forgot I have to paint my own face into another masterpiece -- though, I'm running out of ideas...and, so much more to do, including projects. I'm taking lunch to the youngin's at school today so I'll have to leave at 10:45 this morning.
Still catching up from last night not getting home from the kiddos' pediatrician appointments until almost 8:00 p.m. Today, is gymnastics directly after school and while Lil'Gal works on the balance beam -- Farmer, Jr. and I will read together and review homework, spelling words and memory verse.
And, all the while? This will be in the back of my brain -- embedded for replay....over, and over, and over again. Don't hate me?
Happy Tuesday to Ya'All!

Childhood Flashbacks,
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HAPPY TUESDAY TO YOU and squeeeeeeeeee, lookit that new ad in the upper left!
Thanks FW!
Hummmmmmmm.....no hate here...only LUV doll. cuz...I'm so out of the loop with this sort of thing..the Barbie doll stuff...I've never even heard it. lol
My lil gal would have LOVED it though.
Yea...I saw the Potter ad thingie...new?? Have I told you lately how inspiring you are???
i used to love this songgggggggg long rime since u heard this
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