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Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Jitter Bug!!
Howdy All!
Just getting a post in here. Wanted to do it way early this morning but I had other stuff on the early morning list. Man, I am so feeling back like myself entirely and completely! On top of the world!!!!
Guess what I did. No, really -- guess? I had 24 ounces of coffee this morning. I DID!!! Two carafes. The first one tasted so good? And, DH was taking the kids to la escuela....so I had the time and I made another carafe full.
That's TWO MUG fulls in my Cow Jumping Over The Sun mug! I didn't expect to drink it all. But, I did. I drank the whole second one too! While I was working on booking my Daddy's itinerary for his flight down to visit with us all and see the house (weekend after Thanksgiving!). My brothers are coming down too and my newphew to boot!
Squeeeeeeee! I get to be the Hostess with the Mostess and lavish them in so many ways while there are here!
Well, I am now off on my way to my civic service meeting, the bread store, the bank, hopefully a stop by the Library, then rush back from the city though two or three other towns to pick up the kiddos.
Oh, and DH is back! I think I mentioned that though. Maybe that is why I feel so energized? Cuz' I slept really well -- making up for all the sleep I usually don't get and then when he's gone it is very limited to. I didn't even do my 3:00 a.m. wake-up and make the rounds through the house!!!!
So, here's a tune for you. It's been in my head all morning! [FYI? I had to search about six or eight of these to find one with embedding. Cuz' y'all are worth it and all!]
I so crushed on him when I was a Tween Gal! ;-)
So, oh, yeah! I'm on super-drive!
Happy Jumpin! Jitterin! Hump-Diggity!!!!

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Ummm, could I borrow a wee little cup of your coffee??? Not that I like coffee...I don't really, but I want the jazz that goes with it! lol
I've done my 'chores' at the parentals already...dusted,vacuumed,cleaned the inside of both fridges...defrosed the small one..mopped...um...did my daily doctoring on them....filled syringes...and now I'm pooped.
so,ummm, can I get some of your jazz...maybe you could just lend it to me for a while...I promise I'll return it....oneday ;)
Can't wait to see pics of Dad and the family..
How fun it's going to be!!
Woohoo for you!!!!!!!!!!!!
happy humping day ...lol
oh....my word verification is 'palin' seriously!!!!!!
I gave up trying to sleep at 4am. My fingers & feet were just too cold and then my feet started doing that weird jumpy thing they sometimes do. So I made a pot of coffee (drank about half of it) and then made cinnamon swirl muffins for the kiddos. I woke my littlest guy up for school and told him if he was quick, we could snuggle for 10 minutes (one hit of the snooze alarm) because it really was too cold to get up. Then I told him what was waiting for his breakfast, so he was Happy! Got him out the door in time with a full tummy and a warm coat. The others? It was all hurry, hurry, hurry. But I did get a lot accomplished and now I just need to avoid napping until bedtime! :)
I'm glad you are back on top of the world!
Tweenager? Seriously? I was in college. No crush, but it was a good song. :)
TWO pots of coffee for breakfast????
LOL, my cardiologist would have a s&%t fit if I drank two pots of coffee. :-) ... Have fun with the houseguests ... boy, I had some appropriate posts for you lately. :-) Check the archive, too.
oh my, that is a lot of coffee, ha.
OK my love,, I'm rushing tonight to catch up with you girls... then I'm gonna put Elroy away..and get ready to head south..
And if Elroy the massive cluster freak computer doesn't wake up..My precious horses may have a computer.. cause I know where they are..and I'll bury this damn thing with them...I"m just saying...
Have a great one..and I'll catch up with you tomorrow night...
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