My morning started out when I discovered a huge spider crawling up my thigh in my bed! I slapped it in panic and it actually said, "OUCH!"
"Kill the d@mn spider!" I screamed out to DH. Oops. It was DH. [Sorry Hun'? But, you know how I am when I'm sleeping.]
I was awakened once more, by the sound of a raspy off-tuned pop rock station. It was loud and annoying. So, still having the hallucination of that big creepy spider? I got up and headed for coffee.
The morning went on as usual with breakfast, nagging, backpacks, whining, shoes, nagging, lunches....and, loading in the truck. DH calls to remind me to take pics of the hay that was baled last night [as proof for the tax man] before my FIL comes to haul them off.
As I'm hanging up the phone, I look out my windows to see the sun barely breaking light upon the Eastern horizon. I also see my FIL, who is already hauling the bales away! Geeze, he's fast!
Kids loaded in spree fashion I race to the gate to capture the required pictures. On the way to school, Farmer, Jr. reviews his AR book for credit this morning in class. Lil'Gal complains that I didn't style her hair correctly -- as she is wearing the Tinkerbell dress today. And, I didn't give her the "Tinkerbell" do.
We arrive on time to school and I am on top of my game. I even stay for the pledge, see'in as I actually have time. It wasn't until I returned home and walked in the door that I discovered...
While I was out? Monday morning had exploded all over my house.
I forgot to run the dishwasher last night. Which left a morning full of breakfast pans and dishes to fill the kitchen sinks.
There was crap and crumbs and dust bunnies multiplying -- right out in front of me -- all over my floor! Some of them crawled their way up to the table top -- eager to get to the left over scrambled eggs and toast.
DH left our bed unmade, which wasn't fair because he was the last one out of it. The children left their beds unmade too because, obviously, we lead by example.
Someone, or some two, left me beautiful hand art. All over my stainless refrigerator door.
I will say that Lil'Gal was kind enough to leave me a clothing trail -- ensuring that I wouldn't forget to wash her favorite dress-up outfit today. [Thanks, Lil'Gal.]
With all this in mind: I check my to-do list for Monday. This is what I found written, in crisp, sharp lead:
- Print coupons (office)
- Take PC to E.R. in hopes of saving
- Copy chore charts (office)
- Pictures developed; hay bale pics too
- Type up PTL mtg minutes
- Copy PTL mtg minutes (office)
- Order USB Flash card adapter for Macxine
- Price a new wireless printer for Macxine (as PC is in coma) and dream of purchasing
- Figure out how to burn CDs on Macxine
- Mail out burned CDs and other stuff (due a week ago to em and tt)
- Dogs pills and Frontline treatment
- Bissell floors
- Polish fridge and stainless
- Plan kids fall party (in replacement of trick-or-treating)
- Type set party invitations
- Consider blowing off said party
- Call Fall party Committee mom's to plan "school party"
- Farmer, Jr.'s sheets and bed linens
- Work on November article for Root & Sprout
- Make tea (cuz' you're thirsty)
- Treadmill (cuz' you can no longer breathe in your favorite capris)
- Blog something interesting (cuz' your bloggies are bored)
- Upload sunrise pics for blog post
- Get OFF the Lap Top!
FYI, this got missed also due to the "blogger/IE" issues that had me unavailable for days. Lemonade vs. Koolaid I just wanted to shout it out again!

Lots of those pretty hay bale scenes around here; sadly, I'm usually too busy driving down the road to take a pic!
Today I managed to upload a bunch of pics from the camera, write & schedule tomorrow's WWC post, make a big batch of cookies to please the kiddos and my FIL, start a load of laundry, and unload the dishwasher. Still need to catch up on the rest: bathrooms, dusting, ready the guest bed (aka, H-J's bed & bedroom), vacuum, sweep, mop, oh, and did someone say DINNER??? And apple pie? ('cuz you know cookies just aren't enough)
Whew! Better get rockin' over here.
PS: Gorgeous sunrise!
kc You get me! ;-)
I wish when I clicked on your pics they'd get bigger. I need more detail.
Your morning sounds slightly like mine although my to do list is much, MUCH shorter than that! LOL
I could use a nap.
Why don't you just type your to do list and print it or better yet, cross it off on the computer. LOL Save paper!
What's this tinkerbell 'do?
ff: I can't print a darned thing because the PC died and the prehistoric printer works with it and not Macxine!
The "Tinkerbell" do is where you pull the hair up into a high pony tail and then you use a green ribbon bow and sometimes she likes a clip! LOL! You know Lil'Gals!
When I upload a pic from Macxine? She does seem to reduce the pixel size so that it doesn't zoom well! I need to get back with my Tech Guy to figure that our or I need a program like I used on the PC.
Still learnin'!
Your to-do list makes me tired just reading it!
Hey Farmers Wife, I'm back from LA and checked in while I was taking a break from work. Just an FYI from me -- the photos don't seem to be coming through for me. I tried "refresh" and one or two appeared. At any rate, maybe it's just me.
Loved the hydrogen peroxide tip for the toilet hinges. I gotta try that!
OK, back to work for me, and a blog later on. :-)
We had early morning slapping issues today too....
Come visit my blog, it's a good story...
Lovin' the haybales... nothing prettier than a harvest coming in...
Handprints on your FRIDGE????? HOW DARE THEY??????????
Jennybean Welcome! And, Howdy!
Geeze, y'all soooo get me!
The photos came through! So happy to see your world, and LOL on the pumpkin photo.
Love the pics!! But that list just made me feel tired and lazy!
Geesh......I gotta get busy and clean now..ugh!
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