Everyone sends out these MeMes and then "requires' that so and so, tag so many, and yada, yada, yada...... Don't we all know enough about ourselves? And, if our bloggies read us? They know us pretty well too.
I mean, when we think about it? If one of us was the ultimate stalker? We would have a facet of knowledge about.....oooooh, me and you...and, maybe him, and her. Or, it might just be fun to quiz ourselves about how much we know about each other.
So? Meeeeeee [I should totally patten my idea, but I will be tied up at the children's hospital for four hours give or take in the wee hours of the morning and some pre-teen will have beat me to it...but, we know.] Alas, I digress....
Oh yeah? Meeeee! I have the great idea! WHAT do YOU know about ME?
A/K/A How well do you know Farmer*sWife:
So, comment your answers in order, or link to your own blog if your answers are lengthy and philisophical, cuz I want to read those for sure. [And, spelling doesn't count because I'm tired, in an akward blogging position and my fingers are dyslexic when I'm in a hurry -- that's the truth.]
1) What is my total personal outlook?
2) What's my fallicy?
3) What's my favorite thing?
4) What's my favorite drink? (this one can be tricky)
5) What drives me nutty to bleeeeep-ville?
6) What's my favorite replacement term?
7) What's my favorite curse, that you've notice I use, but not the same as #6?
8) What do you know about me that I don't?
9) What should I know about myself that would help me improve upon myself?
10) What should I know about myself that you think I shouldn't change?
11) What, should I know about you....that I could thrive on and make each day happier for you?
12) What is your favorite thing...about, Farmer*sWife's blog?
Happy Meme!!!!!! Oh, you can totally steal this too!!!! I think it's a rockin' awesome idea!
Bloggies rock!!! I'll catch ya' after the long, akward morning!!!
Happy early Friday!!!!!!

Check my blog... careful though... you may want to put down any hot beverage you are drinking... oh yeah... and go to the bathroom first!!
take her advise, I didn't.. way to go half full glass person... not a nice thing to do the an old woman with a CLEAR FULL BLADDER..
Did you see what my child wrote about you? Really, put down the drink and back slowly away from the computer....it's safer that way..
I did manage to make it to the litter box in time...and while I was there,, I left you a little HER HER of my own.
oh and it's actually...yakitty-yack
1) What is my total personal outlook? POSITIVE!
2) What's my fallicy? Would that be like fantasy, but with some LLs? I would have to ask your husband.
3) What's my favorite thing? YOUR FAMILY!!!! Number two: your blog buddies!!!!
4) What's my favorite drink? (this one can be tricky) What's that stuff called, 'Biner shock' or something like that.
5) What drives me nutty to bleeeeep-ville? Well, trouble sleeping I think.
6) What's my favorite replacement term? BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEP
7) What's my favorite curse, that you've notice I use, but not the same as #6? well, I learned nuckin futts from you
8) What do you know about me that I don't? you could be a great Hollywood comedian--beautiful and funny, like Sarah Silverman or Tina Fey
9) What should I know about myself that would help me improve upon myself? You really ought to blog more. I mean, 3-4 posts a day? Pfft. That is a good start, but the PROS post at least 5 times a day.
10) What should I know about myself that you think I shouldn't change? This is where we say you're perfect.
11) What, should I know about you....that I could thrive on and make each day happier for you? Happy? Those vlogs are pretty darn funny, keep 'em coming!
12) What is your favorite thing...about, Farmer*sWife's blog? Even when things are difficult, you try to see the good in the day and the situation. I get the feeling from what you have written before that you didn't grow up with very much, and you are grateful now for everything.
Best wishes to you and the family today. I really hope your little guy is OK.
Ummmm, I'm gonna have to get back to you on this one.....too many ?? for this early.
You totally rock it sister...that I know for sure!
1) you, my dear, are an OPTIMIST with a Capital O.
2) Fallacy? you mean like how you talk a million miles a second, just like my own H-J? Unlike H-J, though, I can understand what you are sayin', so I guess it is this one: that you can't sleep. (That's it, right?)
3) Your family, but they aren't a thing, so it's MACZINE!!
4) Shiner Bock! Or if you really want one, a vodka tonic. I still crack up watching that particular blog. But of course, EVERY morning you need your BIG cup of COFFEE!! So you're right, this one is tricky. Feel free to pick the correct one of those 3 choices.
5) dirt drives you nutty. You like a CLEAN house.
7) I'm pretty sure you use "chicken biscuits" the most, although "nucking futs" is the one that cracks me up the most.
8) You look adorable in your pink cap, and your hair looks good even when you think it doesn't.
9) I'm guessing that if you could turn your brain off (or onto really slow-mo) you might get better sleep? You are so busy and always thinking --which is a good thing, mostly-- but maybe it keeps you from getting a good rest?
10) Keep counting those blessings!
11) I sometimes need those optimistic reminders to count my blessings. And I adore chocolate, and blog comments. ;)
12) I really enjoy your Vlogs, because then I can hear & see the real you! You post nearly every day, so there's always a bit of Happy that I can come get a dose of. (I worry about you when you don't post.)
Now, how'd I do???
Okay, I'm new here and admit I don't really know the answers.
But I really came by to see how the MRI went. You will post updates, right?!?
1) Glass Half Full (If not almost full and overflowing some days.)
2) What's my fallicy? That the phone ringing is a bad thing.
3) What's my favorite thing? The kids and DH? The awesome view from the kitchen? Scrapbooking?
4) What's my favorite drink? Shiner Bock, Coffee with Creme Brullee Creamer
5) What drives me nutty to bleeeeep-ville? Bad Drivers
6) What's my favorite replacement term? Beep
7) What's my favorite curse, that you've notice I use, but not the same as #6? Chicken Biskets?
8) What do you know about me that I don't? You don't need to worry about painting your face so much. You are hot without it.
9) What should I know about myself that would help me improve upon myself? Why are you asking me? I have no idea.
10) What should I know about myself that you think I shouldn't change? You are a very sweet and caring person. People are lucky to know you. You are also careful about who you let into your life and that is very important. Don't change that.
11) What, should I know about you....that I could thrive on and make each day happier for you? Ummm I got nothing. Sorry.
12) What is your favorite thing...about, Farmer*sWife's blog? I think you are hilarious and full of great ideas. I look forward to seeing what is happening with the family.
It would take me forever to tpye all that...hope Farmer jr is feeling better and let us know how the tests come out.
I never commented back here! The no sleep and MRI thingie? And, then the stupid sinus thingie?
Shame on me! Y'all rock!!
Y'all know me! Y'all poofed my ego!
Happy, what's today already? LOL!
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