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Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy FWFD Friday! Oh...and, the other thing.
YAY! It's Friday! YAY! We are having a party this evening (shortly after 5:59 p.m.) BOO! It's Halloween. My least favorite holiday of the year. I don't know why. The mischief so many teens (oh, and the Goth and Gang Bangers) tend to get into and cause....all the Bleepin' candy. Trick-or-Treat for treats you can't eat for fear of injection of lethal substance or razor blade in the apple...
Yeah, maybe all of that up there. Though, I've always loved a good costume party that served adult beverages. :-D Being a grown-up is hard work, but it's also a whole lot of fun! :-D
So, my face is already painted and if I do say so myself? I think I could give Mona Lisa a running for that "globally known" smile.
Got a lot of party prep. Let's see, what are we serving up to the princesses, knights, jaguars, tractors, and other attendees:
fajitas (DH's department)
Hamburger worms (with Ketchup blood and Mustard guts)
Farmer*s Wife's Pinto Beans -- I rock pinto beans :-D
Spanish Rice
Pico de Gallo
Chips and Dip
finger food spiders (nilla wafers sandwhiched with peanut butter and pretzel sticks for the legs; m&m eyes)
Chocolate Sheet Cake (which will be spider webbed and adorned with gummy worms)
Peanut Butter (sugar cookie) Pizza adorned with raisins, m&ms, etc.)
Sounds yummy, huh? Then I have a couple of crafts and I'm going to have to scramble for some games unless I call my Mommy Friend from the school and ask if I may borrow some of her awesome home-made games. [I might do that. A big time saver.}
Then? I gotta' clean house. Starting with the toilets. I always (or try to ALWAYS) clean the toilets when company comes over. You can have a shiny house? But, if some one goes to use the lieu? And, it's nasty? Or smelly? Or, there are remnants of others there? Yeah. Not good. They will no longer see a shiny house -- they will leave with the memory of a "not so clean" lieu. (Is that the right spelling for that? I looked it up and it isn't in my thesaurus and I can't find my dictionary at the moment).
Well. Time to wake up the young one's for Friday! YAY! Party Day! Movie Night! I'll leave you with this though! It's great and mighty appropriate for a Friday!
Well, the video isn't available...embedding and all, you know. So, go here for a Good Time!
Happy FWFD!

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Lemme try this again, Sounds like fun! We are just taking the little ones TorTing. Fun, Fun. I am not having the best Friday, maybe it will get better.
Have fun!!
Oh, i'm so sorry we are gonna miss it. i've been playing cleaning lady all day and re arranging furniture to accommodate the crowd. The kids are SOOOOOO excited to T or T tonite ....BOOO..
Oh, and I snuck a piece of candy this a.m.!
It sounds like you created a fun and safe party for the kids and parents. I hope you have a good time.
I don't know if you know but "gang bangers" doesn't refer to kids in gangs in general but rather the people in gangs that "sleep" with several people at the same time for status (a gang bang).
Thanks knight. That interpretation of the term has not made it all the way down here yet.
Or, I'm just that far out of the lingo loop!
Hmmmm. Gangsters? No. Gang Members.
Happy Day!
When I see a dirty loo (it's a British term, don't ask my where it came from!!) I think, "This house has too many boys!!
Trust me, they NEVER see their own mess.
Hope you have a fun party, and even more fun after the party is over and you can relax with a glass of wine. :)
FW.. I am so far behind...cause of the whole baby kisses stuff.. but I will so get caught up...
Have fun on Halloween... we are getting ready to go out..
little red riding hood and
of course...
ha ha ha THE QUEEN
FW, I don't like Halloween all that much myself, and I also scrub the bathroom thoroughly before a visitor comes! That's why I don't like visitors who just pop in...
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