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Friday, October 3, 2008
Music always makes it better!
It's Friday! Everyone knows I love me a Friday! Freedom Friday! No schedule and sleep in la manana. Well, we have a PJ birthday party at 9:30 a.m. But, I'll still get to sleep past 6:00 a.m.
But, let's talk about today's Friday. The PC crashed. Yep. Poor DH. No computer for him last night. I told him I'd mess with it today. I did. PC might not make it back from her coma. If I can't get her back up and running? I can't copy the CD I wanted to send out to a few pals. And, now I can't print anything. Because Macxine isn't set up for our prehistoric printer.
So, I guess it's off to buy DH a Lap Top now too; and a blue-tooth capable printer to go with it. Because, after all? Money does grow on trees. At least that's what the tree man told me when I bought that "money tree" out back. Though, I haven't seen a bill yet. Just a whole lot of leaves. I have faith, though. Maybe it needs more fertilizer.
Kids dress and we head out for school. Boy, sure seems like everything went smoothly with no kinks, fits, lost shoes, and so forth. With the exception that Lil'Gal re-did her hair do. She did a lovely job too (kinda').
We get to school and I say hello to a friend and mother parked next to me. She is also unloading her children.
ME: [in the midst of discussion with Lil'Gal about her hair do, I say to the Mom in passing] "She redid her hair today..."
THE MOM: "And, on picture day too!"
I gasp clearly outloud. Picture day. How did I forget? After all, it's been on the calendar in red ink! Well, at least Lil'Gal is in a pretty dress. Though not the color I would have chose for picture day. Farmer, Jr. is in a camouflage T-shirt. Nice. Real nice.
So, I end the discussion with Lil'Gal as we approach and enter the classroom. I re-do the barrette in her hair (luckily, I had stuck one on my pocket on the way out the door) and she whines but leaves it in. At the same time I notice her mouth has an orange outline. Ugh! She hit the V8 Splash on the way out the door...it doesn't come off so easily.
I'm debating with myself about flying out the door, into the SUV and to home and back so that I can revamp my children into the beauties they are for "Picture Day." But, the photographer is set up already. There are only 30 something children in our school. He'll be done before I get back!
And, then? It hits me. BLEEP it! Seriously. I don't have to purchase the pictures if they don't come out. And, I have my own camera that takes pictures just as good as the photographer's does. In fact? I typically don't like the pictures he takes of my Youngin's any how. I mean? Isn't he supposed to work with them and take a couple until he gets a real smile?
So, music always makes things better. And, I wanted to put a video of that song by Madonna "Music, makes the people...come together." You know the one? That starts out, "Hey Mr. D.J.? Put a record on. I wanna' dance with my baby!" Yeah. But, the video? Is like porn. And, I'm a porn free site. So, if you are curious about it go to YouTube and search: Madonna sings Music.
In the meantime, these are the best I could come up with at the last minute.
Oh Happy Friday!

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FW, you DO take great pics of your kids, but the idea of your daughter with juice on her mouth for the pic and her own hairdo, is, if I may, EXTREMELY FUNNY!
Have good weekend FW and thanks for everything.
H-J came home from school one day, I think during the 2nd week of school, to tell me they had picture day THAT day. I think he was wearing a tie-dye t-shirt. I went ahead and called the company and placed my order BUT I can always reject it. And when my high schoolers had picture day? They wore t-shirts, too. I give up!! SM has his picture day in a few weeks...maybe I'll remember? Or maybe it won't matter because he'll use a fakey grin instead of his own sweet self.
I agree with Gary, your pics are terrific, so don't sweat it!
PS: MY favorite pic of my boys? I took of the 4 of them on the sofa after lunch: SM was 1 year old, wearing only a cloth diaper; H-J was 4-1/2 yo with mac-n-cheese orange stain all around his mouth; EB & MM were so tan they look like someone else's kids! Such a sweet pic--I keep it here at the computer desk.
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