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Saturday, October 25, 2008
Stalker? ME? Nooooo...[maybe]
A few days ago the Queen offered up a little image of a furry stalker critter with glasses. She said to use it on our blogs to link to the secret bloggie we stalk. But, at the time? I was like? Stalker? ME? No, I'm an all out open reader! Open commenter.
Though, I don't immediately add them to my blog roll because then I'd look all whorish, slutty, sleazy easy. And, I'm not. Those of you who are my Peeps know this about me.
So, I fell into a blog the other day. I was reading a fellow bloggie and there was a link or something? I don't quite remember. The bump on the head from the fall and all, you know. So, I fell into this Mommy blog. Yeah...another one.
Though, y'all know I'm not All about the Mommies. I'm also about the Potters and the Knights and the Cynical folk too. You can find proof of that on my blog roll reader thingie that sucks cuz' it doesn't always update right and I miss out on new posts.
Anyhow? Today? I found myself stalking. Yep. I went...back...there. To her place. And, she made a pumpkin cake that looks like a pumpkin. For a Halloween party. And, we all know that I caved and we are now having a Fall Costume I really, really do hate Halloween Party here at Farmer*sWife's place cuz' the kids want it.
I know. Get to it FW? We are all wondering who/where to find this new blog you stalk. Okay. Here it is:
Another Online Mom. Like we needed another one. I mean? I'm enough, right? In all my Green fashion? Formerly Hot Pink and purple? I go green? Everyone else goes pink. What's up with that? Anyhow. Between me and kc, fairy flutters, That Was Today, the Princess, BaseBall Mom, A Mother's Walk, tt's world, the Queen and allllllllll the other Mommies I read out there, raising babies, kiddos, and adults. We didn't need another one.
And, not a cute one. All great scaping her blog (though, not to be compared with Princess's Fairy Tale and Castle -- that one rocks!). And, all her recipes, and crafty thingies. Sheeze. I wonder if SHE followed ME over HERE and saw the tractor costume I made.
[Squeeeeeee!, I hope so!] So, that's who/m I'm all up and stalking this week. Soon? You'll probably find her on my blog roll. But, it'll be a few dates cuz' like I said before.....
Happy Stalkin' Saturday!
[NO! The floors still aren't done! Geeze! Quit Naggin!] ;-D

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lalalalala gotta clean too but surfing blogs for a while first lalalala........
I'll join that chorus ... La, la, la,la ... I gotta get in the shower and show property all afternoon, but just had to check in to see what's been up in your world. *Love* the tractor costume -- very inventive. You got your floors, and I have been bemoaning the couple of water drips on the front of the fridge, but they'll wait (as well as cleaning all the other appliance fronts) when I get home. Hope you have a wonderful weekend, and good for you on getting a flu shot.
You are too dang sweet!! :) Thanks for the kind words!! Here is the link to make the pinata: http://anotheronlinemom.blogspot.com/2008/09/were-making-pinata.html
Have fun!!
that is probably the COOLEST cake I have ever seen...
I. Want. That. Cake.
Welcome to the stalking world my dear.. now.. did you know that you managed to guilt little miss princess,, into teaching us all how to do what she does.....
oh wait... teaching you all how to do it... I'm gonna guilt her in to doing it for me..... ha ha ha..
You should sell it next year to them.
stalking is cool ;)
screw the floors, dust preserves the wood.
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