And, I'll have the laundry all put away just like he did. Though, it will be folded appropriately, the socks will actually "be sorted" and matched in the right size, to the right family member and in the correct drawer. [I had to resort all said socks? And, refold ALLLL the towels -- y'all know me. Tri-fold. NO SQUARES.]
So. Now, I'm making pizza pockets. With some veggies hidden in the meat. And, then the youngins need to read for AR testing tomorrow, and bathe. And, then to bed with them so I can finish up my day:
FYI! Lookie what I got? You know why? Cuz' the Queen said she did some checkin' around? And, the costume I made Farmer, Jr. his parties for this month? Rocked it!
- make lunches for school
- write notes small children can read as a surprise in their lunch
- clip coupons from paper
- review all coupons and plan grocery list for tomorrow
- read chapter of Dave Ramsey
- cut out pumpkins for the craft at Friday's
I hate Halloween but the kids want a partyParty - Fold laundry mountain(s)
- plan tomorrow's day and errands
- drink wine
- play in paint program to make a "tractor" award
- sleep
Awwww. Thanks Queen!! You Rock too! [And, she made this one all by herself with the tips and tricks shared by the Princess.]
I'm a lucky Gal. I love my life. Just wanted to be sure I shared that? Cuz' if ya' don't appreciate what ya' have? That's a bad thing. At least in the little spiral binder of "The Rules" that exists in my mind.
Happy Sunday! Enjoy it!
[Cuz' tomorrow it'll be over, and it'll be Monday. But, Monday's aren't so bad] :-)

LOL I love how "drink wine" and "sleep" are included on your to do list. That's perfect!
I love the smell of Pine Sol too. Yum.
I always loved Pine Sol until Mr. got makes him sneeze and cough now.. so we use the fab.. MR CLEAN with FABREZE for everything...
I'm not kidding FW.. that tractor costume was the bomb.. You more than deserve that award...
Now.. if you would grab Fairy Flutters..and run up here,, she needs to make me tea.. and my house needs cleaned.. cause I wanna drink the wine..
and I like the idea of an entire blog of just your awards... that would be awesome.. you could call it... I'M AWESOME.. I GET AWARDS...
You have more on your Sunday evening list than I do! And SuperDad is off on TDY again this week, so I'm single parenting again.
I bet a bacon scented candle would be pretty cool too. haha
My house (okay, small apartment) smells like chicken chili tonight. That's a pretty yummy smell too.
Hi FW!
Long time, no hear - but just looking at your daily "to do" list made me a) understand why you may not have had time to drop by lately and b) that much more in awe of women like you who do so much on a daily basis, and basically think nothing of it. Me, I think if I manage to make dinner, clean up the kitchen, run a wet rag over the bathroom fixtures, clean out the toilet bowl, and clear out the cat poop - I've done my bit to keep our little family rolling...speaking of which, I have friends who had their cat trained to do his bizness in the toilet bowl. It was great. Of course, it would have been even greater if they could have taught him to flush. But, I digress...
Oh - one trick that would work nicely with the Pine-Sol effect (one of my mother's - I think she got it from Erma Bombeck) is if you have one of those pile carpets - run the vacuum cleaner over it, and instead of spending a lot of time making the pile all fluffy and NOT showing the vacuum cleaner marks - leave 'em in - because, hey, it shows you vacuumed TOO ; )
And, looking at your list, were I you (and if you have read the above, you know I definitely am NOT) I would put the "drink wine" just a tad higher on my list ; )
Congrats on the cool Halloween Creation award - will there be pictures?
Also, I just love your videos - hope you can find the time to keep them coming!
Pine soll is your secret, windex is mine--I use it for everything, including the floors. It smells clean, and it is blue!
You deserve the reward because that was one heckuva tractor costume, and your son is so lucky!
Happy Monday FW.
Ha! I just found out you went to bed while I was up and inspired to play in paint! (I did it, too! The hard way!! Now I just have to figure out how to give out those awards...)
LOL on Pine Sol smell, when I just super-cleaned the tub, and followed it with the splash of Pine Sol (I like green smell) I then splash it with a bowl of hot water to super-release the smell. (Used to use that trick in all my listings, too, especially if they *hadn't* cleaned recently.
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