Search me! :-) If you find it at Glass Half Full, it's all good!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Final Countdown!!!

Happy FWFD Friday! Oh...and, the other thing.

Happy FWFD Friday! Oh...and, the other thing.
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Politics aside? This peeved me.....

Politics aside? This peeved me.....
Jitter Bug!!

Jitter Bug!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Fly By!!!! Tuesday's are awesome!

Fly By!!!! Tuesday's are awesome!
Monday, October 27, 2008
AAAUGGGH! Wait for ME!!! Please???

AAAUGGGH! Wait for ME!!! Please???
No COFFEE? Oh, My!

No COFFEE? Oh, My!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
What's left for today?
- make lunches for school
- write notes small children can read as a surprise in their lunch
- clip coupons from paper
- review all coupons and plan grocery list for tomorrow
- read chapter of Dave Ramsey
- cut out pumpkins for the craft at Friday's
I hate Halloween but the kids want a partyParty - Fold laundry mountain(s)
- plan tomorrow's day and errands
- drink wine
- play in paint program to make a "tractor" award
- sleep

What's left for today?
Saturday, October 25, 2008
AWARDS: You wanna' know how? Oh, yeah, you do....

AWARDS: You wanna' know how? Oh, yeah, you do....
Stalker? ME? Nooooo...[maybe]

Stalker? ME? Nooooo...[maybe]
It's almost here, that time of year....

It's almost here, that time of year....
Friday, October 24, 2008
Happy FWFD Friday!!! And, the details.

Happy FWFD Friday!!! And, the details.
All I got...at the moment!

All I got...at the moment!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
And, on the Thursday night? She rested.

And, on the Thursday night? She rested.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Holy Bloggie-ville Batman!

Holy Bloggie-ville Batman!
Normal! Fantabulistic!

Normal! Fantabulistic!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
The Art of Multi-tasking....in a Ramble.

The Art of Multi-tasking....in a Ramble.
Monday, October 20, 2008
In the Window of the Castle....

In the Window of the Castle....
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Back with a Vigilance!!!!

Back with a Vigilance!!!!
Any given Snotty Sunday!

Any given Snotty Sunday!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Piss & Moan Day! On a Saturday!!! Hip-Hip Hurray!!!!

Piss & Moan Day! On a Saturday!!! Hip-Hip Hurray!!!!
Cement sinuses and an award, oh my!

Cement sinuses and an award, oh my!
Friday, October 17, 2008
There's an easier way Martha Stewart!

There's an easier way Martha Stewart!
MRI: Update, and other stuff.

MRI: Update, and other stuff.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Reverse Me Me!

Reverse Me Me!
A Fairy Tale Award!

A Fairy Tale Award!
Tick Tock? I don't get it but it sounds good.

Tick Tock? I don't get it but it sounds good.
Because I'm NEEDY that way.

Because I'm NEEDY that way.
Like I said, There's always sumthin'!

Like I said, There's always sumthin'!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
How much can you HANDLE?!

How much can you HANDLE?!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
When you wanna?

When you wanna?
If you watch Greys?.....

If you watch Greys?.....
Don't Hate Me!

Don't Hate Me!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Monday's Music

Monday's Music
- "Handy Man" (3)
- $$$ (9)
- 4-H (10)
- ab exercises (2)
- About Today (51)
- Addictions (15)
- Ads (2)
- Aging (12)
- Allergies (2)
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- Anxious (1)
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- Arkansas (8)
- Art (4)
- Articles (4)
- Austin Family (1)
- Awards (23)
- Awesome (72)
- Bad Day (4)
- Baking (1)
- Bed Wetting (2)
- Beer (9)
- Best Day (15)
- BFF (2)
- Birds (3)
- Birthdays (24)
- Bitchin' (33)
- Blech (2)
- Blessed (49)
- Blogger (11)
- Bloggies (26)
- Blogging (117)
- Books (62)
- Booze (18)
- Boys (5)
- Brandi (3)
- Bummers (8)
- Bunnies (3)
- Busy (22)
- Cakes (3)
- CCD (1)
- Changes (10)
- Charity (2)
- Childhood Flashbacks (24)
- Children (130)
- Chivalry (3)
- Chores (10)
- Christmas (4)
- Chronic Pain (1)
- Cleaning (40)
- Coffee (29)
- Coffee and Crap Sessions (1)
- Comedy (9)
- Comfort (5)
- Comment Begger (8)
- Communication (1)
- Confessions (30)
- Conversations with the Hubby (1)
- Conversations with Things (6)
- Cookies (1)
- Cookin' (34)
- Cooking (16)
- Cool Things (204)
- Country (31)
- Coupons (24)
- Cowboys (6)
- Crafty (14)
- Cranky (2)
- Crap (13)
- Creative Writing (23)
- Crime (7)
- Critters (31)
- Curious (4)
- CWCG (17)
- Daddy (7)
- Dancin' (19)
- Daydreams (7)
- Death (3)
- Dessert (4)
- Dieting (3)
- dogs (6)
- Dreams (25)
- Drinkin' (3)
- Driving (9)
- Dulce (1)
- dysgraphia (2)
- Education (20)
- Eerie (4)
- Ego Poof (12)
- Exercise (18)
- FaceBook (7)
- Failures (2)
- Faith (12)
- Family (257)
- Famous (6)
- Fancy (2)
- Farmer (4)
- Farmer Jr. (26)
- Farming (43)
- FarmVille (1)
- Fashion (2)
- Fiction (46)
- Finding Clarity (10)
- Fitness (7)
- Fog (1)
- Food (7)
- Food Etiquette (1)
- Free Books (6)
- Freebies (56)
- Fridays (62)
- Friends (52)
- Frio (2)
- FUN (204)
- Funny (26)
- FW (2)
- FW Conversations (10)
- Games (5)
- George (2)
- Georgia (4)
- GHFG (1)
- Girl Scouts (4)
- GiveAways (64)
- Glass Half Full Gal (1)
- Goals (18)
- Good Things (103)
- Gremlins (9)
- Griping (14)
- Grow Together (27)
- Grrrr (12)
- Hair (10)
- Handy Man (2)
- Happy (127)
- Hawt (12)
- Health (16)
- Hearts (8)
- hip (2)
- Hip Pain (1)
- Hobbies (23)
- Holidays (51)
- Homework (11)
- Housewife-ing (53)
- Humor (105)
- Huntin' (2)
- Hurricanes (4)
- Idiot Day (1)
- Illness (8)
- Ins and Outs (2)
- Insects (2)
- Insomnia (29)
- Internet (5)
- Interviews (2)
- iPad (1)
- Jr (1)
- Jr. (2)
- Just Call Me Eccentric (9)
- Kid Conversations (28)
- Krezent (1)
- Lazy (6)
- Leftovers (1)
- Lent (4)
- Let's Be Real (8)
- Letters (3)
- Life (195)
- Life Lessons (27)
- Life Overbooked (23)
- Lil'Gal (59)
- Livestock Show (2)
- Love (11)
- Loving (21)
- Lucky (24)
- MAC (21)
- Magic (3)
- Marriage (22)
- Max (1)
- Medical Crap (19)
- Medication (1)
- Melissa Luznicky Garrett (13)
- MeMe (6)
- Memories (4)
- Menu Recipes (35)
- Messaging (1)
- microchip your pets (2)
- Mondays (50)
- Money$$ (7)
- Mornings (86)
- Movies (10)
- Multi-tasking (15)
- music (122)
- my iLife (1)
- My Photos (73)
- New Year's (5)
- New Years (1)
- Noises (3)
- Obsessions (27)
- OCD (34)
- OH YEAH (3)
- Optimism (85)
- Organizing (4)
- Parenting (60)
- Parties (37)
- Peer Pressure (5)
- Pelvic Floor Therapy (2)
- Perspectives (41)
- Pets (27)
- PFC (4)
- Phobias (11)
- Phone calls (1)
- Piss and Moan (22)
- Play (8)
- Poetry (16)
- Politics (8)
- Ponderings (31)
- Power Outage (4)
- Prescription Medication (1)
- Pretty (3)
- Prizes (32)
- PRNewswire (1)
- Procrastinating (3)
- Puppies (1)
- Ramblings (218)
- Reading (71)
- Recipes (1)
- Relationships (8)
- Religion (2)
- Resolutions (2)
- Reviews (57)
- Road Trip (8)
- Romance (6)
- Root and Sprout (113)
- Salads (1)
- Saturdays (10)
- Saving $$$ (44)
- Say What? (16)
- School (57)
- Scrambled (5)
- Scrapbooking (9)
- Seasons (21)
- Self-Defense (3)
- Shoes (3)
- Silly (10)
- Sleeping (7)
- Smile (4)
- Smut (1)
- Social time (2)
- Sophia Grace and Rosie (1)
- Sounds (3)
- Southern (9)
- Spam (2)
- Spring (3)
- Stalking (5)
- Stars (1)
- State Law (1)
- stuff (1)
- Stuff for Kids (9)
- Summer (35)
- Sundays (14)
- Sunrise (9)
- Sunset (9)
- Super-Mom (27)
- Sweet (20)
- Taylor Swift (7)
- Tech-Guy (12)
- Technology (8)
- Telechenesis (1)
- Telekinesis (2)
- Test (2)
- Texas (27)
- Texting (1)
- Thankful (81)
- The Beast (1)
- The Castle (1)
- The Castle Pool (1)
- The Gym (2)
- Theft (2)
- Thoughts (28)
- Thrifty (4)
- Tim Russert (2)
- Time (7)
- Tips and Tricks (9)
- To my Bloggies (160)
- To My Friends (204)
- Toys (2)
- travel (5)
- Traveling (4)
- Travels (1)
- Triond (2)
- Twilight (24)
- Twitter (6)
- Urinary reflux (1)
- Vacations (11)
- vet visits (1)
- Videos (142)
- Vlogging (77)
- Weather (28)
- Wednesdays (18)
- Weird Things (8)
- WIN (44)
- Winners (21)
- WonderMom (2)
- Worries (15)
- Writing (73)
- WWC (16)
- YAY (82)
- YUM (27)